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War Thunder: The Most Practical Guide Of Air Combat Maneuvering

Happy new year! Pilots, today, I will show you some practical skills in Air Combat, or maybe you are not a fan of war games, I can offer you a link below full of funny videos and free mobile game download.

If you haven’t heard War Thunder before, and you are interested in shooting and driving, I strongly recommend you to have a try, War Thunder is a near Military simulation game, you can drive tanks, airplanes or battleships, the control of the game is as simple as World of Tanks. For more features and details about the game, please read my last article: ‘War Thunder: What is War Thunder and How you play it?’. Now, let’s start today’s main subject: How to maneuver your plane during combat?

Air Combat Maneuvering is the art of maneuvering a combat aircraft in order to attain a position from which an attack can be made on another aircraft. Here are some basic skills below:

The combat spread is hardest most basic of maneuvers used prior to engagement. A pair of attacking aircraft will separate, often by a distance of one mile horizontal by 1500 feet vertical. The fighter with the lower altitude becomes the defender, while the wingman flies above in "the perch" position. The defender will then attempt to lure their opponents into a good position to be attacked by the wingman.

2.Defensive Split

A pair of fighters encountering one or two attackers will often use a defensive split. The maneuver consists of both defenders making turns in opposite directions, forcing the attackers to follow only one aircraft. This allows the other defender to circle around, and maneuver behind the attackers.Top mobile strategy games!

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An Immelmann trades airspeed for altitude during a 180 degree change in direction. The aircraft performs the first half of a loop, and when completely inverted, rolls to the upright position. The Immelmann is a good offensive maneuver for setting up a high-side guns pass against a lower altitude, slow moving opponent, going in an opposite direction. However, an Immelmann is a poor defensive maneuver, turning the defender into a slow moving target.

4.Barrel Roll

The counter to a break is often a displacement roll called a barrel roll attack. A barrel roll consists of performing a roll and a loop, completing both at the same time. The result is a helical roll around a straight flight path. The barrel roll attack uses a much tighter loop than the roll, completing a full loop while only executing 3/4 of a roll. The result is a virtual 90 degree turn, using all three dimensions, in the direction opposite of the roll. Rolling away from the defender's break, the attacker completes the roll with the aircraft's nose pointed in the direction of the defender's travel.

5.Split S

The opposite of an Immelmann is the Split-S. This maneuver consists of rolling inverted and pulling back on the stick, diving the aircraft into a half loop, which changes the aircraft's direction 180 degrees. The split-s is rarely a viable option in combat as it depletes kinetic energy in a turn and potential energy in a dive. It is most often used to set up a high-side guns pass against a lower but fast moving opponent that is traveling in the opposite direction. Also, the split-s is sometimes used as a disengagement tactic. Real fighter pilots typically use the Split S when engaging a bogey at a lower altitude because the body tolerates positive G's better than negative ones.