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Runescape Mage Training Arena Guide

The Mage Training Arena is a members-only accumulating of minigames area players can acquire Pizazz points. These credibility can be spent on altered rewards, which cover mage clothing, abracadabra wands, a new spell, and runes. The basement of the Mage Training Amphitheatre is area the Rune Mechanics adventure can be started.

This minigame is amid just arctic of the Al Kharid Duelling Amphitheatre (the dueling amphitheatre accept to be entered); it is adumbrated on the minimap by a red brilliant figure abreast two timberline icons. Speak to the Access Guardian to get a advance hat. The advance hat keeps clue of how abounding Pizazz credibility a amateur has accumulated from anniversary game. Bang the 'Talk-to' advantage in account or 'Activate' advantage if beat to get an amend on points. If the advance hat is anytime lost, a backup can acquired from the Access Guardian.

Players can activate arena any of the four minigames by dispatch into its associated aperture aural the capital building. Anniversary bold has specific abracadabra akin and rune requirements to play, listed afterwards on. Speak with a bold guardian already central a bold to get an account of the rules.

Leaving a minigame, logging out, or dying while in the Mage Training Amphitheatre will acknowledgment players to the access and abolish any items calm during the minigame. Dying will aswell decrease some Pizzaz points.

In this minigame, the ambition is to move a Guardian bronze from its starting point (boxed in orange in the account below) to the abnormally coloured asphalt in the bewilderment (boxed in blue).

Use bewitched grab (43 XP per cast) to cull the bronze around. Right-click on the bronze and bang Observe to accomplish it easier to see area the bronze needs to be confused to break the addle and easier to bewitched grab the bronze from beyond the maze. One bewitched grab moves the bronze from its comatose abode against the ancillary that the amateur is next to until its movement is chock-full by a coffer of the maze.

In the archetype above, casting bewitched grab from area you are will annoyance it from the orange boxed aboveboard to the dejected square. It is not all-important to be anon adverse the bronze to move it forth a bewilderment path, alone on the ancillary area the bronze is getting pulled towards. If ashore in a maze, right-click on the bronze and baddest 'Reset' to acknowledgment the bronze to its aboriginal position. Two bewitched pizazz credibility are awarded for anniversary completed maze. Upon achievement of 5 mazes, players accept a benefit of 10 law runes, 8 added bewitched pizazz, and 1000 abracadabra XP. See our Bewilderment Solutions for the quickest way of finishing the puzzles.

This minigame requires players to aggregate the a lot of bill accessible by casting top or low abracadabra (level 55 magic, 65 XP or akin 21 magic, 31 XP) on items they can access from cupboards. GP may not be brought into this room.

A account in the top-right bend indicates anniversary item's abracadabra value; both abracadabra spells accord the aforementioned amount. There will occasionally be a blooming arrow beside an item, which indicates that alching the account will not bulk runes until the arrow moves. Use this ability to accretion some chargeless experience.

To access items to alch, artlessly bang on a cupboard. The items will occasionally change places, but the adjustment in which they are begin is consistently the same. In a clockwise administration they are:

Leather Boots

Adamant Kiteshield

Adamant Helm


Rune Longsword

Three Empty Cupboards

This adjustment agency you can anxiously apperceive area items are amid if they acquisition one item. For example, award Leather Boots in one buffet will beggarly that the next buffet clockwise will accommodate an Adamant Kiteshield.

The bulk accustomed for alching anniversary account aswell changes, so pay absorption to the account in the bend of the awning and alch alone the a lot of admired items. To acquire Alchemist Playground Pizzass points, drop bill in the bread collector, which is in the arctic allotment of the room. In accession to the spell XP acquired for casting the abracadabra spells, players accept 2 abracadabra XP for every bread deposited and 1 Alchemist pizazz point for every 100 bill deposited. Note that bill for pizazz credibility are not affected cumulatively, but anniversary time bill are deposited. For example, if 50 bill are Cheap RS Gold deposited and afresh 50 added are calm and deposited, no pizzaz credibility will be awarded. Thus it is best to alone drop amounts which are abutting to a assorted of 100. A best of 12000 gp can be deposited into the beneficiary at a time. Depositing added will aftereffect in no rewards at all. Upon leaving, players will accept 10 gp beatific to their coffer for every pizzaz point becoming during that affair (maximum of 1000 gp).

For this minigame, players charge to aggregate shapes from the corners of the allowance and afresh casting jewellery attraction spells to transform them into orbs. In the bottom-right bend of the screen, the bold will affectation a benefit shape. Alone this appearance will aftermath orbs if bugged and the benefit appearance will change periodically. Creating an orb will admission one Attraction Pizazz point and any orbs in a player's account can be deposited, by beat on the Aperture in the centre of the room, for added rewards.

Since anniversary bend contains two shapes, it is not all-important to run amid all four corners. Instead, accept to run amid either the two arctic apartment or the two southern apartment to aggregate the shapes.

Use the accomplished attraction spell that can be casting in adjustment to aerate pizazz credibility and XP. Note that spells are account 25% beneath acquaintance than normal. See the table beneath for the appropriate runes for anniversary attraction and the XP given.

One way to acquire attraction is to access 6 of anniversary shapes. If a appearance becomes the bonus, bound allure all of them, dump the orbs in the hole, and afresh restock on the shape. Every 10th bugged orb grants added accept pizazz credibility (1 point for akin 1 enchant, 5 credibility for akin 5 enchant, etc.) and for every 20 orbs bugged players aswell accept some runes. Players should accumulate some amplitude in their account to aces up dragonstones that arise on the attic every few minutes. Dragonstones accord alert the bulk of pizzaz credibility for the attraction akin acclimated (level 1 gives 2 pizazz, akin 5 gives 10 pizazz, etc.) and an orb.

Alternatively, artlessly aggregate dragonstones, allure them for quick points, and afresh about-face worlds, as dragonstone spawns are apple dependent. This adjustment is generally faster and simpler, but you can sometimes run into others application the aforementioned tactic.

In this minigame, players accept Graveyard pizazz credibility based on how abounding bananas or peaches they drop in any of the eight aliment chutes on the walls.

Collect basic from the bags broadcast beyond the allowance which can afresh be adapted into fruit. Anniversary blazon of cartilage gives a altered amount of bake-apple if converted; the amounts are adumbrated in blueprint in the basal appropriate ancillary of the awning (these ethics do not change). Anniversary cartilage accumulation will accord four of anniversary bone, in ascendance adjustment of bulk (four 1s, four 2s, four 3s and four 4s, afresh aback to 1 again).

Cast Basic to Bananas (25 xp) or Basic to Peaches (35.5 xp) to catechumen all basic in your inventory. Note that Basic to Peaches can alone be casting afterwards it has been apart with pizzaz credibility from the Rewards Guardian. Players accept 1 Graveyard pizazz point for every 16 bake-apple deposited in the aliment chute, as able-bodied as a rune (a Nature, Death, Blood, Earth or Water).

One of the challenges is that players will sustain adequately accelerated unblockable hits that accident for 200 LP. To anticipate death, players can eat bake-apple they actualize application their bake-apple about-face spells. Bananas alleviate 200 LP and peaches alleviate 400 LP, but these amounts are added by 50 LP if the amateur is cutting or has the the Expensive Spices amulet in their inventory. Other methods of healing such as cutting a about-face bracelet, or application the Accelerated Alleviate adoration will aswell prove accessible as they do not use account space. Familiars are not accustomed into RS Gold the Mage Training Arena. Dying will abstract 10 Graveyard points.