Telltale Games have finally released the second episode of their highly anticipated horror title, The Walking Dead: Starved for Help. This The Walking Dead: Starved For Help Walkthrough Guide will guide you through the various aspects of episode 2, giving you advanced warning on conversation choices as well as other guides for the more difficult aspects of the game. Please be aware, although I’ve done everything possible to avoid any serious spoilers, there’s probably a few giveaway points.
As the game has so many possible paths and choices, some of these won’t be relevant to you depending on what choices you made in Chapter 1. However, a lot of it is similar just with different people. Please feel free to leave a comment if you have information regarding an alternative path.
Conversation Guide
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
After these selections you’re given four pieces of food and 10 people to feed. Tough decisions await. Firstly I’ll cover the basic conversation choices with each person, nobody really has any effect on the story apart from your choice with Kenny
After you’ve spoken with everyone, it’s time to make your decision regarding the food. Personally, I chose the most needy and useful first. Helping any of them is sure to make an impact but I’ve listed the ones I checked below. If you make other choices, please leave a comment and I’ll add it to the post.
This marks the end of Chapter 2 in Starved for Help.
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
After the above conversation choices you’re given free roam again. Check below for information on the conversations you can have, as well as any quests or missions
Once the Bandits arrive, you’ll hide behind a Tractor. In order to advance to the next area you must first detach the blades at the rear, highlight the lever next to the blades by looking to your right. After you’ve done this, look to the far left and remove the Chock blocking the wheel. You’ll then follow the Tractor as it begins to move. After a short distance it will hit a body, simply move The Walker and continue. After removing the next Walker, in a much cooler fashion, continue to follow the Tractor. This can seem a bit more dire as you’ve got company but just keep your shadow in line with the Tractor’s and you’ll be fine.
When you’ve escaped the Bandit Ambush, you retreat back to the Dairy farm.
After this short cut-scene you’re given free roam of the Dairy Farm again.
When searching the camp, there’s nothing near the chair, in the tent or on the tables next to the chair. Search the tables near the Shopping Cart and you’ll move some boxes to discover a camera, pick it up. After you’ve picked up the Camera, head back and search the tent. There’s a teddy on the left and a sleeping bag on the right. CAUTION – I’m not certain you get time to check both, or if the cut-scene activates after you inspect one item, just encase make sure you check the right sleeping bag first, and you’ll find Clementines hat.
This marks the end of Chapter 3.
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
You’re then given a free roam choice again. There’s the kids in the barn, Larry and his daughter out by the Gazebo and a few others walking about. Read below to find out if any effect the story
After you’ve done the open the barn door quest, the conversations continue
Once you’ve spoken with Andrew about the Barn Door, you enter the house. You get a chance to roam around in here. Head upstairs. If you’re not sure what to do, check the Quests & Mission section about finding the hidden room.
This marks the end of Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 5
After you’ve been knocked out at the dinner table, you find yourself locked in a Meat Locker. Your conversations at the start have no effect, then you’re given free roam to look around and try to escape
This marks the end of Chapter 5 in Starved for Help
Chapter 6
Chapter 6
After speaking with everyone it’s time to escape. It’s pretty straightforward but I’ve added the guide to the Quests & Missions section to avoid spoilers here. Refer to “Escaping the Meat Locker” for more information
After you escape the Meat Locker you enter the slaughter room. There’s a few weapons in here but you’re only able to carry one. I chose to take the Mini Cattle Prod, I figured if it’s enough to put down a Cow, it’s got to hurt a bit. The weapon of choice matters little, who you help earlier does. Pick Kenny, and he will finish Danny off with your weapon of choice, pick Lilly, and she will either shoot him or finish him off in a similar manner.
After checking a few times, you’ll lose where he went. Checking the next time initiates a cut-scene. You have to be VERY QUICK to survive it so be sure to keep your wits about you when you open the Stable Door again. Note: The Cattle Prod was not enough to survive without Lilly’s help
This marks the end of Chapter 6 in Starving for Help
Chapter 7
Chapter 7
Be cautious when approaching Brenda, if you continue to move forward after she points her gun at you and tells you to stop, she may fire.
After Carley shoots Andy, you tumble down the hill and through the fence. The next cut-scene features more button tapping than a 500m race in International Track and Field. However, you don’t have to “Win” the power struggle. Let Danny push your face into the fence and Lilly will come and save you.
This marks the end of Chapter 7 in Starved for Help
Chapter 8
Chapter 8
This marks the end of The Walking Dead: Starved For Help Walkthrough Conversation Guide. After a short cut-scene, you’ve completed Chapter 2: Starved For Help and now have an agonizing wait for Chapter 3 next month. We’ll be covering that as well so be sure to come back for more Walking Dead guides. If you have any questions or suggestions, please let a comment and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible
Quests & Missions
Quests & Missions
Finding Clementines Hat
Approaching the children in the Motel, when you first return from the forest with the survivors, will begin a mission where Clementine asks you to locate her hat. You can’t get this for a while so progress through the game until you reach the Dairy Farm owned by the St. John brothers. Eventually you’ll be asked to leave and search for a camp, once you reach the camp you need to find the Camera located in a lot of boxes near a shopping cart. Then you search the tent, the hat is located in the sleeping bag on the right. This all takes place in Chapter 3.
Fixing The Swing
Walk the opposite way from the Swing, past Mark and the generator. You’ll find a large plank of Wood and a Saw to cut it down to size. You’re then tasked with finding a rope. The rope can be found by going to the front door of the house then tuning left. The rope is in a small black box like thing to the far left. When you return, Andy will say you fixed it, earning you praise from Clementine.
Entering The Barn Door
During Chapter 4 when you inspect the rear barn door, a cut-scene will begin. To enter the barn you’ll need to grab the Multi-Tool from the toolbox outside on the table, near where you found the Saw and Wood for the Swing. Once you have the Multi-Tool head back inside the barn and tell Andrew that Danny needed him for something. When you try to open the door Andrew will return. Speak to Kenny and he’ll tell you to turn off the Generator, again this isn’t enough and Andrew returns to the barn. You need to open the bottom case of the Generator by inspecting it and using your Multi-Tool. After you’ve open it, turn off the Generator at the power switch and then cut the belt with the Multi-Tool. Then head back to the barn and open the door using your Multi-Tool.
Finding The Hidden Room
Not really a Quest par say but I put it here to avoid spoilers. Once you go upstairs in the house, you’ll need to search the small cupboard and connect the power cords. This turns on a light in a hidden room. Head into the main bedroom and you now have the option to move the bookcase.
Escaping the Meat Locker
Once you’ve been locked inside in Chapter 6, after being knocked out at dinner, you’re tasked with escaping from the Meat Locker. It’s pretty simple. There’s an Air Conditioning Unit in the upper right of the room, next to the door. Once you’ve inspected the Air Conditioning Unit, you need to find something to detach it from the wall. Speaking to anyone else here has no effect so speak with Lilly and then search Larry’s right pocket for some coins. Then use the coins with the Air Conditioning Unit to remove it from the wall.
If you know of a way to improve this The Walking Dead: Starved For Help Walkthrough Guide, or you’ve taken a different route and can provide more information, please leave us a comment below, you will be credited for any information you put forward.
Next Episode: The Walking Dead Long Road Ahead Guide
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