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World Of Warcraft: Tokens Are Arriving After Patch 612, Price Offcially Confirmed

In previous posts, we have mentioned that the Blizzard Entertainment release in-game takens which are used to buy game time. This kind of subscription currency can be bought for real money through in-game shop, and then sold to players to market prices in WoW gold. Unquestionably, this give wealthy players a way to put their gold to practical use, and and more importantly, to provide those who want more gold a way to acquire it without having to rely on sketchy third-party sellers. It is reported that they are being bested on the WoW PTR, and expected to come following the realease of Patch 6.1.2 ArcheAge gold . We are offering you a wide range of WoW items with reliable delivery!

At the same time, prices are also confirmed. A World of Warcraft patch set for release today includes the structure on which $20 WoW Tokens will be based, according to a pair of posts this week. Here we highly recommend you purchase WoW gold from raiditem, the best site offering WoW gears and WoW BOE items at suitable prices.

WoW Tokens, which will allow players to securely exchange in-game gold and game time, will arrive in the massively multiplayer online role-playing game "at a future date," sometime after today's patch. A separate post narrowed the timeline to "the weeks following Patch 6.1.2’s release," first in Latin America, North America and Oceania.

"Launching the Token once Patch 6.1.2 has been live for a while will help us ensure the foundation for the feature is solid, and kicking things off with a single region is the best way for us to ensure everything’s going smoothly before launching worldwide," the post explains.

The $20 WoW Tokens will sell for "roughly equivalent in each local currency," and the starting price is designed to fluctuate.

"Because the Token exchange has to start somewhere, we will be setting the initial gold value of the WoW Token ourselves," the post reads. "The starting gold value in each region will be based on several factors, including regional in-game economies, but ultimately our goal is to select a fair and reasonable starting price. After that, the Token’s gold value will be determined dynamically based primarily on player supply and demand. Simply put, if more WoW Tokens are being listed than are being purchased, the price will automatically drift downward over time. If people are purchasing Tokens from the Auction House faster than they’re being put up for sale, then prices will go up accordingly. As a reminder, to help make sure players can trade WoW Tokens confidently, once a Token sells, the seller will receive the amount of gold they were quoted at the time they listed their Token."

As of this writing, a month of access to World of Warcraft costs $14.99 from the Blizzard Store. Three months are available for $13.99 each, and a six month bundle averages $12.99 a month. We It is quite easy for you to buy challenge mode mounts at discount prices.

Earlier this month, developer Blizzard announced that it would unfurl a non-subscription-based option for World of Warcraft. WoW Tokens will make that possible. Players will be able to purchase them with real money and also sell them to other players in the game's auction house. Those holding WoW Tokens can redeem them for 30 days of game time.

Overall, WoW takens are expected for most buy ArcheAge gold WoW players. We will keep updating here for more info. If you want to buy WoW items, don't hesitate to visit our site cheapest ArcheAge gold and enjoy a big discount!