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Top 3 Graphics Cards

The following 3 Graphics cards are at the top of graphical performance, and are the best in the industry.  The cards that I am going to list are the best and not needed to play games on your pc, but they will take your pc to the next level graphically. After all isn't that what evey gamer wants, the best graphics possible? Enough of that, on to the list!

III. AMD Radeon HD 6990 ($699)

 The AMD Radeon HD 6990 is a dual GPU that is Direct X compatable with 4GB of GDDR5 memory which can run up to six high resolution displays at the same time. This graphics card is no doubt the best single GPU you can get on the market. The specs are as follows: Default (Bios1) 830MHz, Overclocked (BIOS2) 880MHz, 4GB GDDR5 memory, 1250MHZ memory clock (5.0 Gbps GGDR5), 320 GB/s memory bandwith. All in all this is an amazing graphics card, but the price is kind of high for your average PC gamer.

II.  Nvidia GeForce GTX 570 ($329)

This card is a replacement for the GTX 480, which this card basically is but it fixes all the problems the 480 had when it was shipped. This card is cooler, quitter and more efficient than any card for three hundred dollars. The specs are as follows: Core clock 732Mhz, shader clock 1,464 MHz, Memory clock (real) 950MHz, Memory clock (effective) 3.8GHz, Memory interface 320-bit, memory tranfer rate 152GB/s, memory 1.28 GB GDDR5, shaders 480. The only thing that may hold someone back from buying this card over other is the fact that it is only a minor upgrade from its predesessor the GTX 480. The GTX 570 is alot of graphics card for an amazing price.

I. Nvidia GeForce GTX 580 ($499)

The GTX 580 is hands down the quickest single GPU graphics card on the market, and probably will be for a long time. It's not the cheapest one out there by any means, but this is the high end gaming standard. The specs are as follows: Core clock 772MHz, Shader clock 1,544 MHz, Memory clock (real), Memory clock (effective) 4,008 MHz, Memory interface 384-bit, Memory transfer rate 192.4 GB/s, Memory 1.5 GB GDDR5, Shaders 512. When it comes to power Nvidia did not hold back at all. Although it is pricey and the card itself wont fit into smaller computer towers and requires two expansion slots and a hefty power supply. With all that power consumption and tower space comes equal or better performance compared to the best daul-GPU graphics cards. But the pros outmatch the cons on this graphics card.