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Gunstar Heroes

It truly is 2012, I consider this game certainly one of one of the best multiplayers for all time. Perhaps it's because I grew up with it! Maybe my opinion is quite biased, but... I've certainly had some really good memories enjoying this game and games like it with a friend who could share the passion of shouting at the television in defiance of our video game failures.

It is games like these that make your overall companionship better. The ridiculous things you can spend your time on, cooperating to master a common goal, no matter how ridiculous it is... it's a easy way to bond in general. But in those days, before Computer games and the whole competitive/cooperative scene, there had been games like Gunstar Heroes to put a smile on your face.

From the start, you're tossed into a striking little world with all forms of stuff transpiring. You possess guns so powerful even the trees get knocked around! Not standard guns, but elemental guns, OK? Bear with me! You may get two elements on at once, between fire/electric/wind (chaser)/and "force". Now, to illustrate you've got a couple Fire elements on, right? Your gun shoots tremendous fireballs which explode if you release the button. Let us try electric/wind, your gun basically forms a square of electricity, always assaulting the target like an aimbot. If you've good movement while utilizing that, you're good to go! That is what my pal and I did; I was the quick-movement front-liner with electric/wind and this guy was electric/fire which is like a fireball DRILL. Cool, yes?

There's 2 modes to pick from when you first begin the game, which is Fixed-Mode and Free-Mode. Fixed mode is when you shoot, you have to stand still, but the trade off is that it's a lot easier to perfectly shoot at somebody from a specific angle, instead of Free mode where you might just be frequently moving beyond them trying to reach the same effect. Though, free mode is obviously better for movement, and is almost required in Expert mode.

As far as difficulties go, this really is one of the video games that got it Correct on difficulty! It's not hard because foes struck harder; they didn't. Expert Mode is troublesome because of the dodging required; all the enemies on the screen, lasers shot at you, bombs thrown at you. It's tough!

The bosses are quite fun, unique sorts to play against. The second boss alone has seven different shapes! I was JUST playing alone on Expert mode only to nerd-rage hard at his Eagle shape, where his wings and tail take diverse structures where you have to try and slip passed him to the bottom of the screen. It sounds simple until he arises BACKWARDS and his wing manages to pin you to the wall.

It's one of those video games that every real gamer really should play at least one time. Particularly if the real gamer has mates. ... A friend. Singular. ... Pick up an emulator and play it!