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NAVY Seals Training Using Ghostly Technology

There is no greater human trained strike force in the World than the United States Navy Seals. They are trained to work as a team in the most severe conditions known to man. Very few of the people who volunteer for training can make it, as the qualification of agility, endurance, perseverance and strength are not common in humans.

The United States Navy Seals Teams are made up of super humans and one cannot merely join the team until they can prove without a doubt that they have what it takes to perform at those super human levels. This is not to say that those who do not make the program are not “Super Stars” they are, in fact you cannot even be admitted to try out unless you are the epitome of a super star athlete.

I propose taking their training to a whole new level using Holographic Technologies. I propose that we make the images so real that they appear to be combatants. This will save on target maintenance too, as the bullets will pass thru the 3D and 4D projections.

These technologies will soon be here and it will not be long before we will enjoy Virtual Reality on our 360 X-Box in our living rooms and military strategists and war fighters can play out the battle in the virtual battlespace in advance and then watch it un-fold in real time on war room command and control tables. I believe that the World best war fighting teams; the US Navy Seals ought have this technology and use it to stay cutting edge in their march to protect the free world. What do you say, any thoughts?

“Lance Winslow” – Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http:///share_save">