Summoning is one of the most expensive, and certainly one of the most time consuming, skills to train in RuneScape, a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. Many pouches sell for less than the cost of the materials required to make them - sometimes considerably less.
Using other skills and activities there are ways of reducing the cost of training, and, in some cases, training using other methods. In many cases, training using these methods will save money, although they may take longer. Additionally, other skills can also benefit.
This article looks at how Quests and the skills Dungeoneering and Hunter can be used to reduce the cost of training.
Other articles look into how to reduce the cost:
Using Distractions and Diversions
Using Minigames, Bogrog, Random Events, Bonus XP Weekends and Monsters
Using Summoning Forager Pouches
Using Other Summoning Pouches
There are a number of quests that give a reward of Summoning experience that can be used to help reduce the cost of training, although Summoning has one of the lowest total rewards for quest experience of any skill. The quests with the highest experience rewards are also some of the most dangerous.
The quests and their experience rewards are listed below.
Wolf Whistle 276
Fairy Tale III - Battle at Orks Rift 1,000
Spirit of Summer 1,000
Summer's End 1,500
The Curse of Arrav 4,000
A Void Dance 8,000
Salt in the Wound 12,500
A Clockwork Syringe 15,000
The Void Stares Back 20,000
After an update on January 31st 2012, doing Wolf Whistle is no longer required to start training Summoning.
As well as those quests that directly give Summoning experience, there are also a number of quests that give experience, through unbankable experience lamps, books and other items that can be assigned to a choice of skills, and usually cannot be stored in the bank, with Summoning being one of the allowed choices. Summoning is one of the best skills to train with these rewards, due to the expense and time required to train it.
Swept Away - 10 Bowls of goulash, each of which gives an experience reward equal to the current skill level multiplied by 10.
Darkness of Hallowvale - A Tome of experience that will give 3 lots of 2,000 experience in the skill chosen. The skill must be over level 30, and the experience does not all have to be used on the same skill.
Legacy of Seergaze - A Tome of xp 2nd ed, which will give three lots of 2,500 experience in any skill over level 35. Again, the experience does not all have to be used on the same skill.
Troll Stronghold - This quest gives two Mysterious lamps, which will give 10,000 experience each in any skill over level 30.
The Temple at Sennisten - This gives an Experience lamp that grants 23,000 experience in any skill over level 50.
The Void Stares Back - Two Books of equilibrium, each of which will grant 50,000 experience in any combat skill, excluding Constitution but including Summoning, over level 75.
Branches of Darkmeyer - A Tome of xp 3rd ed, which gives three lots of 50,000 experience in any skill that is over level 60, although once again the experience does not need to all be assigned to the same skill.
Ritual of the Mahjarrat - The reward is 3 Experience lamps, each of which will give 80,000 experience in the chosen skill, if it is of at least level 72.
The way in which Dungeoneering can be used to help reduce the cost of training is through adventuring in Daemonheim itself.
There are a few ways in which the Hunter skill can be used to reduce training cost, such as by trapping animals which drop expensive tertiary components.