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Computer Game Explosion Sequences

Have you notice that in computer games the explosion sequences are getting more and more real? Some parents are quite concerned about this because they do not want their kids growing up and blowing stuff up. They do not want to be the parents of the next Columbine Shooter or Oklahoma City bomber or even that crazy Uni-bomber they caught up in the mountains.

There seems to be a big push lately in computer games to make them more realistic and considering that there is currently a war going on in Iraq these games have become very popular. In fact they look so real that many of the sequences that have been designed are now being used in simulators for attack helicopters, army tanks simulators and aircraft fighters in the military.

No matter how the parents feel about these new computer games with the violence and explosions it appears that the gamers actually love it and they want more. The battle is on and they want to make the most realistic explosions for not only the war game video games and computer games but also the racecar video games with cars going out of control exploding on impact.

One thing that I would advise the new computer gaming designers is to look into the geometry, which has to do with combustion and explosions, as there is a mathematical formula and very interesting designs, which take place during such events. If you’ve ever watched the flickering flame from a campfire or the flame coming out of a Bic Lighter then you know that there is symmetry and design in explosions and combustion. By studying these things you can make more realistic explosions for your next video games because that is what the people buying them are looking for. Consider this in 2006

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