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PC Games – The Best Ever

As with anything else in life, there is always going to be a best of the best list for games. PC games are no different. And while these lists are purely subjective, what follows are some of the games that most, if not all, die hard game players feel are some of the best PC games ever released. We’ll present a few of them and a brief description of each. You can venture out to pick up one or more of these titles feeling comfortable that many before you have enjoyed them.

“Return To Castle Wolfenstein” was voted PC game of the year when it was released so there had to be something good about it. The original was one of the first person shooter games, meaning that you saw everything from your own perspective. The action was fast and furious and was hard as heck. If you want a real challenge in knocking off the bad guys, this game will give it to you in spades.

“Ultima Underworld” was released in 1992. This game was so many years ahead of its time that it was a joke. It had one of the most complex and rich story lines of any PC game ever released. And even though graphically it isn’t up to the standards of today’s games, it is still one of the most fascinating adventure games of all time.

“Civilization” was released in 1991. This game is the ultimate in long term play. The premise is simple. You begin a civilization back during a time when you didn’t have electricity or any of the modern conveniences we have today. If you were lucky, you watched your civilization grow over a period of hundreds of years. This is one game that you could literally play for months, if not years on end. One of the most popular games ever.

“Pirates!” was released in 1988, which by today’s standards was pretty much in the stone ages of PC games. Still, this was one of the most fascinating games of all time. You started the game as an ordinary citizen. You could be French, Spanish, Dutch or English. Your task was to rescue your long lost sister. So, you took your pirate ship, got your crew together and went off to find her. The adventure that followed was nothing short of brilliant. This is one game that you will never tire of playing.

But what many people believe to be the best PC game ever made and again this is purely subjective, is the title X-COM: UFO Defense, which was released in 1994. The premise of this game is very simple. The Earth is about to be invaded by aliens so you have to gather a bunch of alien hunters to hold off the invasion. While the premise of the game may have been simple, the actual game itself was anything but, as you had to go through an enormous amount of work just to reach the point of defending the Earth, including building and equipping a base, building a radar station, buy enough equipment to survive the battle and then finally send your soldiers into battle. If aliens landed in a certain area and you did nothing about it, that area would cut off your funding. If you want to play a game that is incredibly challenging, X-COM: UFO Defense is one that will not disappoint you.

Michael Russell

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