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What’s The Best Healing Profession In Mists Of Pandaria ?


As we know, in world of warcraft, the best healing class is priest and can heal oneself after been hurted by monsters or bosses. Well, what if playing with different class in Mists of Pandaria. What’s the best healing profession in Mists of Pandaria ?


Alchemy one of the best healing professions to have — not so much for making flasks and wow gold, but because alchemist had an incredibly valuable transmute available. Creating bars of True gold was stupidly easy and stupidly profitable. Alchemists will start by making some basic potions, work their way up to making some elixirs, then flasks, and finally gain access to the key transmutes as they approach 590 and 600 skill.


In Mists, BS will easily be the best choice as you can socket any gem you need, changing your perks as needed. So for the first tier, maybe you need intellect. Next tier, perhaps you need haste instead. It all depends on what stat is best for your class / spec / playstyle.


For the second profession in Mists of Pandaria that gets a little more complicated, as no one knows yet what will be the best stat in T14 for a specific healer, and it could very depending on the gear you have. Perhaps you need haste for a break point, or spirit for regen.


Tailoring and Engineering offer more proc and “activate” bonuses which can be extremely potent especially when you combine them with your other procs (such as power torrent, or even class abilities).


Engineering is also a good healing profession in MoP, but the injectors don’t stack with Alchemy Stone’s buff so it may not be the best for you.


Blacksmithing or jc for the 2nd best as you can ether get a large amount of wow mop gold int or spirit (slightly more as blacksmithing once epic gems hit) also if regen becomes a non issue these two you can swap into other stats that are needed as there the most interchangeable.


As you can see, alchemy, tailoring , engineering and blackmithing can all be the best healing profession in Mists of Pandaria.It all depends on you to choose the one profession that suits you most. More information about wow guide or buy wow mists of pandaria gold news,you can check out at http:// .