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The Amazing Spider-Man Walkthrough Part 37 – Oscorp Secret Labs, Part 2

The Amazing Spider-Man Walkthrough Part 37 – Oscorp Secret Labs, Part 2

Lab 2
Just like the first one it is very important to keep to the shadows. If the guards catch sight of Spider-Man you need to break line of sight immediately or you are dead. Inside this lab you will need to take down 8 guards. Things can get hectic here. Remember that stealth is your best defense as these guns will tear through even the toughest Spider-Man in mere seconds.

Start by going over to the left along the wall. There is a single guard on this spoke of the console's stand. Wait until no other guards are nearby to get the take-down on him. With that one down, head to the right of the tube above the console. Now keep along the outer edge of the area. You will find 2 more guards at the ends of the spokes that need to be taken down. Use the openings from the guards moving away to nail them.

Now it is time to start working in the central area itself. Just off to one side is a pair of guards and there are 3 more just moving around. Get the central console between you are the pair of guards and wait for one to move below you. Wait until the guard who patrols the outside crosses one of the areas you have cleared of guards and grab him with a take down. Now it is time to get the pair of guards that are off to the side of the central console and standing still. You must wait for all the guards to be out from the central area and patrolling the different area. After that, just hang close to the central console and pick off those patrolling guards as best you can.

Here is where it can pay off some to tip the guards off to Spider-Man. This will get the guards to break apart more and make it easier to just pick off one or two at a time. It remains very risky to do though as they can kill you very quickly, even with upgrades. Only attempt this when 3 or less guards remain.

With all the guards down it is time to get the photo that Whitney would look of Oscorp's ballistics research. Land in the central console and look around for the Red Lit room. Snap a photo of the turret in there and you can call it good.

The consoles are all in the central area. Just run around until you have activated both of them.

Suit Ballistic Resistance