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Mounts are a huge part of wildstar gold most MMOs

Mounts are a huge part of wildstar gold most MMOs, and WildStar is no exception. Though the biggest boon they confer on players is the ability to traverse the world more quickly, cutting down the time you spend running from one place to another, in WildStar you’ll also be able to customise your various steeds to add a touch of personality. As a self-confessed mount collector in most of the MMOs I’ve played, I’m hugely excited by the variety this offers. Here’s Frost explaining why you should be excited too:

More wildstar gold information just in: http:///Gold/wildstar_na.aspx

“you can buy wildstar gold in http:///Game/wildstar_na.aspx”,”A mount in WildStar is a creature or a device or vehicle that you can ride throughout the expansive world of Nexus. As you ride through those things you can also customize them too. We’re huge into customization on WildStar so what we wanted to do was add the ability to make it look like your mount specifically. And you can find these pieces to add on top of your mount throughout the game, both in drops or on vendors or all over the place really. And so as you level up you can put a ramen bowl on the top of your Chua mount. I mean it’s pretty crazy, there’s a lot of weird stuff; it’s very eccentric but we love it.”


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