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“We may do an expansion at some wildstar gold point in time

“We may do an expansion at some wildstar gold point in time, but right now the only thing we’re doing is trying to keep people in the game and keep them happy with new content. Of the sub models you’ve seen out there, we’re extremely fair and nothing’s hidden behind paywalls. What you see is what you get. There’s nothing blocking you from having fun and, you can even pay for your fun using your in-game money. We think it’s a fair system.

More wildstar gold information just in: http:///Gold/wildstar_na.aspx

“you can buy wildstar gold in http:///Game/wildstar_na.aspx”,Frost also spoke about the game’s CREDD system, which is set to give the more hardcore players the option to play the game without spending real-world money, instead buying game time using in-game cash. As an added bonus, the business model is also hoping to cut down on gold trading.
“Yes you have to buy the box and yes you have to pay $15 a month, but if you’re a hardcore player and you play a lot, you can use your in-game money to purchase a subscription and that way you can be playing for free after you buy the box,” he said. “The great thing about it too is that if I don’t play that often, but I come in and I buy some CREDD, which is effectively a subscription, I put it on the auction house and somebody buys it for a ridiculous amount of gold, I can then take that gold and buy whatever I want because I don’t play as much as that hardcore player. To me that seems extremely fair for having a subscription fee.”



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