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Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 84 – Alester – Fight Fire with Fire, Part 3

Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 84 – Alester – Fight Fire with Fire, Part 3

Objective: “Infiltrate Valarr's army and study their defenses, and find a way to open the gate for Ryman and his men.”
Head out of the door and up the stairs. There you will get into a cutscene with Wex asking Alester what he has done with the prisoners. Either flatter him or question why they are still in Riverspring. Whatever choice is made, Wex sends Alester to check on the Maester who is healing Dale.

Objective: “Maester Harwyn is alive! Before launching the attack, you must ensure his safety!”
Head up the dais to the throne. Be sure to go to the right of it to find 2 things to loot. One contains the unique item, “Sarwyck Mail Coil” and the other has silver inside it. On the opposite side you will find 9 silver and 10 silver in the chests. Head over to the East first from the Throne Room. Go into the dining hall. At the end of the table closest to the stairs you will find a Courtly Sword that can be looted. At  the opposite end you will find Goat who you can talk to. Do so and you have the option of saving the woman dancing on the table. To save her Alester needs to buy her. You can either pay 400 silver or if Alester haggles, he can save her for 240 silver.

If Alester saves her, you are taken back to the entrance of the dungeons. He tells her to hide in the crypts for the coming battle. Now, head back up the stairs and over into the Western portion of the castle. First, head up to the second floor. Just to the right of the top of the stairs is a Small Ornate shield you can grab. Now, head into the room that is opposite it. Jorah is in that room and busy. Remember that for later. Now head to the West and up the stairs. Go into the room to the North to deal with some guards harassing the servants. Head over to the servant you can talk to. Here, you will stand a chance at saving them. Opt for “I must save them” to fight the 2 guards in this room. That is everything you can do up here for now. Head back down the stairs and over to the left into Maester Harwyn's chamber.

Harwyn's Chamber
Talk with Harwyn. You can opt to go directly for the attack, fighting through the guards here (Time is of the essence) or inquire after the injured man. Opt for helping the Injured Man as it will reduce some of the fighting and it makes getting the “Crone Statuette” a bit easier. Be sure to ask him all the questions you can before asking him to barricade himself inside his room.

Head upstairs to the room that Jorah is in. Having talked with Harwyn, you can get inside. You will find him standing over your sister's decapitated body, saying he left orders not to be distrubed. No matter what, Alester fights him. Your choice sets the context. If you just want to kill him, choose die, otherwise, choose to take your time to fight him. He is a Boss in Light Armor with about the usual amount of health. After the battle, loot his body and check over Elyana's. Her's has a Westeros Archive, a Seal of Knowledge, Gawen's Fixed Locket. The archive adds the “Shadowbinders” codex entry.

Throne Room
Head back there and talk with Wex. You can also for a few things if you saved Dale. Demand Revalla as payment and he will give her to you. Alester will take her to the dungeons and have her exit through the passage to the Godswood. Now return to Wex and ask permission to go to town and loot. He will give the command and you can talk that to Blurd who has been keeping the door closed.

Approach the Bloodseekers blocking the door. Tell him that “Wex has authorized me to have these doors opened.” Blund will recognize what has been done for Dale and he will let you go through. Interact with the door to start the next fight. There are 3 guards: 1 in Heavy Armor and the other 2 in Medium Armor. Alester also has Ryman and one of his men to help him in this fight. Tear through the group as best you can. Beat them and the men will come through.

After the fight, Alester needs to choose which wing he and Ryman will take. Opt for the left, the greater challenge and send the rest over to the right wing. Ryman and Alester are much better fighters anyways.