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Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 85 – Alester – Fight Fire with Fire, Part 4

Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 85 – Alester – Fight Fire with Fire, Part 4

Riverspring Castle: Left Wing
Head up the stairs to the East to start in on the wing. First encounter is with a Soldier in Heavy Armor bearing a sword and shield. He is also a Boss, so tougher than most of what you will be finding along this path. He is not much of a challenge on his own thankfully so it will not take long to get through him.

Turn right at the top of the stairs. The second fight has a bit more to it. There are 3 Soldiers this time. 2 are in Light Armor and the remaining one is in Heavy Armor. 2 will come at you in melee and the remaining one will hang back and fire at you with his crossbow.

With them dead, head over to the stairwell leading down into the Dining Hall. Head down it to engage the first of the numerous groups down there. There are a total of 5 soldiers down here. 1 is in Heavy Armor, 2 are in Medium and 2 are in Light. 4 of them will rush your group and attack him. The remaining one will hang back and fire at you using a Crossbow.

With them dead, head to the Southeastern corner of the Dining Hall. Open the door there to reveal more Bloodseekers. These 3 are all toasting to their success. Time to make them pay for what they have done to Riverspring. 2 are in Light Armor while the third is in Medium. They are no real challenge with Ryman. Once they are all dead, head to the Western end of the kitchen. Inside the chest and bag there you will find 9 silver in each.

Head up the stairs and ascend up to the next floor. Here, you can go to the South. Head into Raynald's Study. Inside there you will find 3 Bloodseekers: 1 in Heavy Armor, 1 in Medium Armor and 1 in Light Armor. Attend to their deaths after you are prepared for it.

Now head to the Door leading to the North. Just beyond it you have 2 visible groups of Bloodseekers. The first consist of 3, one in each type of armor. Along the Northern edge you can see a second that has 2 in Heavy Armor. The groups can be drawn separately and the fight is much easier if done that way. The third group that is on the far end of the balcony consist of 2 Bloodseekers: 1 in Medium and 1 in Heavy Armor. Just after them is a Boss. If you do not move beyond where the initial encounter is, it is very possible to just fight them then move forward to the boss. Otherwise, he will join into that battle. The boss is in Heavy Armor. He is the final fighter in this wing.