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Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 83 – Alester – Fight Fire with Fire, Part 2

Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 83 – Alester – Fight Fire with Fire, Part 2

Objective: “Free Greydon and his men. The cells hold other prisoners, some of whom you put there yourself. They could be of use to you.”

Greydon's Men:
Found in the Northeastern corner of the dungeon.

Jon's Men:
Found in the Southwestern corner of the dungeons, southern wall. Once you have released them, enter the cell. Use the Vision of R'hllor focused on the backwall. You will reveal a hidden chamber. Inside is a chest containing 28 silver.

In the Southwestern corner to the West. Approach her and talk with her. Alester can choose between letting her loose (But it would be unjust to keep her here) and keeping her there (It's far too dangerous).

Potential Night's Watch Recruit
Just to the North of Mellara. He is not one to go charging into the battle. Alester can call him a coward and he will remain inside his cell. Attempt to convince him and he will join you.

Assassin :
Potential Night's Watch Recruit
To the East of Jon's Men. He does not really have much to say. Alester can choose to keep him inside the cell or recognize that he knows how to fight and recruit him toward the coming battle for Riverspring. Ryman will continue to express the concern he had when Alester approached the cell.

That is everyone inside the dungeons. Time to head for the Northeastern door and get out of here.

Objective: “Infiltrate Valarr's army and study their defenses, and find a way to open the gate for Ryman and his men.”
Head on out the door to be free of the dungeon … for now. Go on up the stairs then Turn to the North, toward the entrance to the Castle itself. At the first corner past that Alester will encounter a group of 3 guards. The leader of them will ask after the prisoners. To skip the fight here simply choose, “This soldier is clearly not respecting rules.” Choosing “He has a high rank... let's play this out” will lead to a fight with the 3 guards there. 2 of them are in Heavy Armor while the third is in Medium Armor. Start with the lightly armored one and quickly kill him then focus on stunning the rest of them. It is a harder fight but very possible to win.

Head along the corridor here to find the door to the Castle itself.