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Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 82 – Alester – Fight Fire with Fire, Part 1

Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 82 – Alester – Fight Fire with Fire, Part 1

Things look bad with Alester sealed in the tombs below Riverspring. As he drifts off toward death, Ryman shows and rescues him. Both are excited the other is alive. You need to choose which path to take here: Pursue Valarr Hill, Gather your Allies or Free the Captives. All of them lead to the same conclusion that Alester and Ryman need to get out of the catacombs. Once Alester is out of the tomb, he will receive the trait, “Back From Beyond The Grave.” This grants +1 Endurance.

Head down the hallway and take the first right you can. There you will find the unique bow, “Percelion Sarwyck's Bow.” Now head to the gates that are just in front of you in the main hall. The gates are locked. If you have not already, it is quite likely you will run into the patrol of Bloodseekers now.

This patrol consist of 3 soldiers. One in each type of armor. Have Ryman take on the one in Heavy Armor and have Alester focus on the others, stunning them or just setting them on fire.

With that group out of the way, head to the Northwest corner of the crypt. If you take the Western Passage from the gate, there is a pair of foes in Heavy and Medium Armor. Coming up from below there reveals 2 more soldiers in Medium and Light Armor that need to be dealt with. These are isolated fights so they will not draw the other group as well.

Once those men are dead, use the Vision of R'hllor to reveal a hidden passage that will get you out of the crypt. Open it and go through the following door as well to emerge into the dungeon. Things are going to get rough for a minute.

Inside the dungeon Alester has to deal with a good number of guards. Head forward toward the guards in front of  the Sarwyck men. The fighting starts as soon as you get close to the torture chamber. From inside the chamber you have 2 guards emerge. One is in Medium and one is in Heavy Armor. From in front of the cell you have 2 more guards: one in Light armor who uses a Crossbow and one in Medium who will join the melee. There is a final guard who will join in who wears more Heavy Armor and is a Boss. 5 total for you to deal with. Just focus on the melee at first. If you start to get overwhelmed, move around a bit as it is a large room to fight in. It is also a good way to recover more energy.

Objective: “Find the Keys to the dungeon and free the guards that Valarr had locked in there.”
Time to explore the dungeon, collect some goods and free the men that Ryman recruited. First, head into the Torture chamber. If you sent Tyrek down here after the riots, you will find his body, a letter with the codex entry “Our Fight” and the ring, “Symbol of Defiance.” This ring boost damage +60% when the wearer is at 25% health or less. Head for the Northwestern corner of the dungeon after that. There you will find the keys you need to free the men.

Objective: “Free Greydon and his men. The cells hold other prisoners, some of whom you put there yourself. They could be of use to you.”
Time for some choices to be made. First, Alester should release all the men in the Sarwyck Tabard. After that, there are only a few men (or more depending on the choices you made after the riots) scattered throughout the dungeon. Any men you do not recruit here to fight for Riverspring can later be recruited for the Night's Watch.