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Assassin’s Creed: Unity guide – Server Bridge: Paris 1394 – Cross the Bridge


Assassin’s Creed: Unity guide – Server Bridge: Paris 1394 – Cross the Bridge

As usual there are no optional challenges in the server bridge, so just enjoy the change of scenery. This is the last one; we’re on the home stretch now.

Leave the Cemetery
The path here is pretty linear, so just keep forward until you reach a tunnel.

Cross the Catacomb
This short free-run section is linear and isn’t time-critical, so you shouldn’t have any problems reaching the next objective after you’ve crossed some beams.

Exit the Main Chamber
The exit to this room is tucked away on the far side of the stone pillar. To get there, climb up onto the boxes on the left side of the room and leap across the various free run points of interest.

Escape the Quarry
Now things are a bit trickier. Don’t bother taking cover; just stay to one side when a boulder comes tumbling down, and run to the top when there’s a gap – if you’re not confident, watch the pattern for a while first. Once at the top jump to the cliff face, then spiderman up the wooden wall. There are more boulders to avoid, and you need to move a bit faster now; head for that tunnel on the right side.

Cross the Bridge
The bridge is falling apart but it’s easy to cross; climb the side and free run along the top, eventually dropping down to the lower level.

Escape Through the Portal
What a scene! Pity about the catapults or trebuchets or whatever they are. Don’t spend too long admiring the view; hot foot it to the portal head of you. I found I could avoid nearly every missile just by running on a diagonal as I moved forward; the siege weapons fire in bursts of three, pretty much straight towards you.

When you reach the large block of debris in front of the portal, hold down free-run-up and motor up and along it to dive to safety.

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