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RuneFest 2014 founded by Jagex provides a trip for two to the most loyal fans. To enjoy this amazing game, players can buy cheap runescape 3 gold at for the future use. Both Jagex and rs3gold all offer their fans and customers some special offers frequently.

What id RuneFest 2014?

RuneFest is a spectacular and real-life RuneScape event created by Jagex. Every year, relying on this platform, Jagex gathered most RS players to meet, chat, party with Jagex Mods.
In this celebration, Jagex also announces the plans for the next year, summary the achievements in the past days, and party with the community hilariously.
In RuneFest 2014, players will experience the regular activities, like the talk and party held by Jagex, and some new content.

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A trip for two to RuneFest 2014

Before this post, the developers have collected millions of feedbacks, held plenty of meetings, and reviewed lots of players’ suggestions. The following are some details about 2014 RuneFest.
1. Date: Saturday, October 11
2. Location: Tobacco Dock, London United Kingdom
3. Price: £99 for full one day pass 
4. Reward for one lucky dog: an all-expenses-paid trip to the event

Competition to the event

At present, the Gielinor Tourist Board is trying to make a video named “Wish You Were in RuneScape” to display all awesome in Gielinor. Now they are collecting the most marvelous works from players. If your video is selected, you can get a coveted Golden Gnome at RuneFest 2014. The following are some requirements in this competition.
1. You can make your video with YouTube,Vine orInstagram.
2. Your video cannot be longer than 45 seconds.
3. You can submit it through the competition page on facebook.
4. Your work should be Live-action, machinima andanimation.

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