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What Stronghold Boons and How to Access Them in Neverwinter

Neverwinter Strongholds will be coming on August 11. Uniquely, each kind of structures you build in your stronghold will offer you two or three boons. Here is a way to make you gain access to the boons of Stronghold in Neverwinter.

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How to access to the boons of stronghold?

1. Bear in mind that you gain an access to Boons, not from individual effort, but from the effort you and your guild puts toward building specific Boon structures.

2. There are 7 normal Boon structures and 2 PvP Boon structures. Generally speaking, each normal Boon structure always grants every member of the guild a total of three Boons as the structures reach Rank 1, Rank 3 and Rank 5. But PvP Boon structures give Boons at 3 and Rank 5.

3. You cannot build all of the boon structures so that you have to choose the important ones to do.

4. You can access your stronghold Boons, categorized as Offense, Defense, Utility, and PvP, from the Boons tab of the Character Sheet.

Nine building structures and their Boons

The Barracks grant player XP bonus (utility), Power Bonus (defense), and Incoming Healing Bonus (defense).

Explorers’ Guild grants players Gold Bonus (utility), Control Resist Bonus (defense), and Group Stat Bonus (offense).

Mercenary Outpost offers people Enhance Overload (offense) which enhances the effects of any of the Companion slayer/ward enchantment, Critical Hit Resistance Bonus (defense), and Critical Severity Bonus (offense).

A stable offers people Defense Bonus, Armor Penetration Bonus (offense), and Mount Speed Bonus (Utility).

A temple will gives players Life Steal Bonus (defense), Revive Sickness (utility), and Group Heal Potion Bonus (utility).

Training yard will give players Enhance Overload Slayer, Glory Bonus, and AoE Resistance Bonus.

Wizard’s Workshop grants Hit Points Bonus, Healing Potion Bonus, and Enhance Overload Ward.

Siege Workshop gives you Enhance Overload: Slayer and Stamina Drain.

Siege Smithy gives you Enhance Overload: Stamina Drain Ward and PvP Ward.

To be honest, some boons are really good for guilds, like over 8000 armor penetration or life steal. While following these tips to build strongholds in Neverwinter, you should also never miss the cheap Neverwinter Astral Diamonds for sale.

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