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Some Starcraft 2 Top Bluffing Tips To Help Your Game

Here are some Starcraft 2 Top Bluffing tips that may aid in executing some defensive or offensive approaches in the game. As you know, there are two modes of playing. You can go for a campaign setting where you control one of three races and play against the computer. Alternatively you may also opt for the multi-player mode and go against other human players. The techniques discussed here are more applicable against human opponents.

You can deceive your enemy, overwhelm them with a relatively bigger or better commanded force, or use a combination of different elements. The limitations that set the necessity and urgency of decisions are based on limited resources. You can only make so many tactical attempts before over straining your supporting economy. If you choose the wrong approach or execute poorly, you may not have enough units or structures to carry out a counter move or defense.

Aside from the in-game components of minerals and gas, information is also a limited resource. This is the reason for the fog-of-war. It is really up to you to figure out what your opponent is planning to do. Then from there you can adapt your production of fighting units and structures, how they should be positioned, and when to execute your maneuvers.

Since being able to correctly guess your enemy's intentions is crucial, deception can become a key factor for success. If you make him think one thing, while you are actually setting up something else, then you have a chance of forcing him to waste his time or materials and get ahead. Keep in mind though, that they are likely doing the same thing against you.

One way to trick your opponent is to make him think you are taking an expansion while secretly building up a force for a rush attack on the main base. Extending your control of the map is the slow and steady method. Early and quick offensives in the meantime are highly dependent on surprise.

Setting up bases in other areas can seem like you plan to expand. Setting up shop at various locations can also make it harder for him to pinpoint where you're actually going to come from. You're giving him too many locations to scout out.

In an offensive scenario, setting up at least two forces is another way to confuse the enemy. You build up a con[censored] uously large group in a naturally defensible location such as a choke point. In the meantime, you set up a smaller but more mobile group that will strike from a different angle. Either team can function as the feint or main attack. Just switch roles depending on how your opponent reacts.

Whether you play Terran, Protoss or Zerg, do not discount the information and deception elements. It is necessary to have a strong familiarity of the various units available to each race, what they are capable of and especially what they look like for quick identification. Hopefully these Starcraft 2 bluffing tips can help you play and enjoy the game better.