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Starcraft 2 Psychological Warfare Tips And Tactics

Being a commander is not just about knowing how to handle your troops or your tactics. It is also about how to deal with your opponents and how to make them feel uncomfortable. Starcraft 2 Psychological Warfare tips will help you gain an advantage on your opponents.

One area where this is important is multi player. People will use any number of tricks in order to catch out other players. It is important to be cautious while playing as many opponents may try to trick you in order to get an advantage.

Sometimes if you are in a difficult situation trickery may be needed as a way of confusing your opponent. If they have superior units and are likely to beat you head on it is important to find ways to beat them in a more subtle fashion.

One trick is the classic conman trick. You have probably seen movies where a card or pool player pretends to be awful and acts like they have no idea what is going on. The Starcraft 2 equivalent of this is presenting your units or bases as being vulnerable to attack while you prepare an ambush or attack them from a different angle.

Sometimes you need to think long term. For example you could reveal air production facilities to your opponent and then attack them with hidden ground troops. Instinctively, the opponent will think you are going to hit them again with ground troops and will probably prepare to defend themselves with the appropriate units. You then build additional air production facilities in a hidden location and then attack from the air.

Another bluff is to make your opponent think you have more units then you actually have, which is useful for when you're concentrating on an economic build. You need to be careful when doing this and attack in such a way to suggest you are setting up a big attack. As with any bluff you need to know when to back away as sometimes you will be caught out. This is why it is often a good idea to use these kinds of tricks when needed and to mix up your tactics so that people find it harder to second guess you.

Being unpredictable is often a very effective strategy in itself. For example you may want to try a small har[censored] that is doomed to failure early on near your opponent's expansion. This may mean that your opponent will then concentrate their forces around the expansion. You then hit them again, this time with a more coordinated attack at a different base.

One of the main Starcraft 2 Psychological Warfare tips is to remember that any mind games you play could equally be pla[censored] against you. Sometimes the best mind games are the ones that people do not know you are playing.