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Understanding Basic Starcraft 2 Pylon Tactics

When gamers first begin learning the fundamental Protoss tactics, it can be tempting to ignore the important role that pylons can play in every aspect of game play. Because the Protoss race is designed around its Psionic abilities, pylons are essential for all Protoss tech and building advancement. Without them, the only buildings that can be constructed are a Nexus, Assimilator or a Pylon.

That makes their construction and placement a critical concern at every stage of the game. They must be placed in defensible positions, since their destruction would cause every building in the area to lose power, and effectively grind the Protoss army's advancement to a halt. Moreover, these buildings are essential for securing more space for combat and other units.

The common basic strategy used by Protoss players is that of the Proxy Pylon. This strategy lies at the heart of most Protoss deception, since it involves the placement of new Pylons in strategic locations across the map. These locations can be either tucked way at a remote location or located as close to an enemy base as possible. These buildings can then be used to enable warpgates to later warp in troops at their location.

Obviously, the benefits of this mobility cannot be overstated. Most Protoss rush strategies require the use of Warpgates to provide efficient and speedy reinforcement from one location to another. Pylons allow players to move forces almost to an enemy's front door, enabling the opponent to be attacked with ease at his own base of operations. Many of the more effective Protoss units are too slow to be quickly marshaled in any other way.

Pylons also serve a vital role in the gathering of intelligence and monitoring of enemy movements within their vision radius. When placed strategically on the map, they can increase a player's overall access to map visibility. This can enable him to see where enemies are gathering, when drops are occurring, and where other battles may be taking place. When used with warp gates, the Protoss player can essentially marshal troops at any location where these structures have been built.

The most crucial strategy, however, is also the most basic. Proper placement of pylons is critical at every stage of the game. Protoss buildings cannot function without these structures, so they will always be a prime target for any enemy force. Even the loss of one Pylon can have a devastating impact on the Protoss' normal technological build progression and cause an unnecessary disruption in his advancement.

To avoid this, some thought must always be given to the defense of any Pylons on the map. When placed in conjunction with proper defensive support, these structures can enable any player to preserve his access to critical production structures that can mean the difference between victory and defeat. Used properly, Pylons can form the foundation of any winning Protoss strategy.

Players should take the time to learn the proper build order for their Protoss armies, paying careful attention to the development and placement of Pylons. These tactics can help any Protoss player to master the best Starcraft 2 Pylon placement and use.