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. Plays, 28th March 2015

Tom Orry, Editorial Director – Axiom Verge, PS4

Axiom Verge screenshot

Wolfenstein is ongoing but progress is slow considering I've been handling a fair few reviews over the last couple if weeks. One of those games is Axiom Verge, a retro Metroidvania coming to PS4 next week. I'll have a review up going into more detail, but I'm enjoying it a lot. I just wish I wasn't so rubbish at working out where to go.

I spent what must have been three hours roaming around seemingly with nothing to do, and then finally found a door I hadn't been through. Slightly annoying, but it at least gave me a reason to look in every nook and cranny and find numerous hidden items as a result.

Steve Burns, Falafel Investigator – Bloodborne (of course)

Bloodborne screenshot

I've finally stopped playing Resident Evil HD. I know, I know, but it was about the right time. And what better game to replace it than Bloodborne, which shares many similarities to Capcom's classic.It's out now. You know what to do.

Apart from Bloodborne, I clocked up my 90th hour in PES 2015 on PC, and that's not even the best version. Or even close to being the best version. But I am an idiot, and so on I roll.

What else? Hmmm, good question. I played FIFA 15 on Xbox One at a friend's house, wherein we grappled with a game-breaking bug for half an hour before erupting in a fit of rage so volcanic it makes Pompeii look like a child's tantrum. Then I went back to PES, and all was saved.

Simon Miller, Head Of Video Production - CounterSpy, PS4

Counterspy screenshot

My PS+ adventure continued this week with CounterSpy. The name itself gives you a pretty good flavour on what the game entails - you're a spy and have to sneak around enemy bases recovering documents - but I'm not good at it… at all.

Summed up best by a twitter post I frustratingly posted on the first pay of playing it, I'm genuinely terrible at it. I've no sense of grace or poise, meaning I fall into every room and make so much noise the DefCon level is maxed out before I even know what's happening. Imagine that going down during a James Bond movie? It's embarrassing for everyone involved.

As for CounterSpy itself, well, it's very good. Using the formula that all games of this ilk seem to use to make them work, you'll have been introduced to the majority of mechanics within five minutes. Then it's just a case of using what you've learned to try and proceed.

More importantly than all of this, though, is the fact that 'indie games' - and that term is becoming increasingly more irrelevant - are kicking 2015's ass. Even though most of what I'm playing came out in 2014.


Dave Scammell, News Editor – Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin, PS4

Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin screenshot

So what can I tell you about the PS4 port? Well, it's pretty much as you may have expected, appearing to run at a smooth 60fps for the most part with only a few dips in frame rate here and there. The only nasty surprise in the few hours I've played, in fact, has been the new enemy placement, with some larger enemies erasing what little I already knew of Dark Souls 2.

I've just made my way through Forest of the Fallen Giants and am thinking of venturing into Heide's Tower of Flame. But I don't know if this is where I'll stop. Brett tells me that Bloodborne may be a better place to ease myself back in to Souls, so that may be where I spend most of my time this weekend.

And as somebody who has tried (and ultimately failed) to get into the Souls series numerous times before, I can't believe I'm saying this either.