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The Best Starcraft 2 Terran MULE Tactics

There are several Starcraft 2 MULE tactics that we are going to discuss in this article. The Mobility Utility Lunar Excavator or MULE as they are commonly known by gamers are temporary units that are used to mine minerals and sometimes do repairs for the terran forces. For them to work, they have to be called down from their orbital command. This will cost the player around fifty energy. They do not last that long but as soon as they are cast, they will start to mine the minerals.

Despite their minimal life and energy cost, they have various benefits over the use of SCV. They have a longer mining time and also they have no supply cost compared to an SCV. The acceleration and movement though is the same in both elements. They even gather more minerals per trip so they are very efficient to use.

Another benefit is that they can mine over other SCVs hence will give more income to the player. When the mines are all occupied by other MULEs, they will also mine over them. This will enable the gamer to save on time before this unit expires.

There are several tactics that can be used while playing the game. When using the MULE, there are many abilities that are enabled by the gamer for example by pressing the hotkey G, the MULEs are ordered to gather resources from the selected mineral field. When one presses the R button on the keyboard, the MULEs are ordered to repair the selected friendly mechanical unit.

These workers can be used to mine minerals for about eight trips before they get exhausted but for mineral fields that are close to the command center, they can make up to nine trips which is considered to have optimal efficiency. This usually gives huge returns to the Terran player.

When it comes to the competitive usage of these mechanized workers, they can be ordered to come down anywhere on the map, that is if the Terran player the game has the vision of the area. Sometimes it is worth calling them down so as to repair units though it will result in the loss of the economic benefit.

They are sometimes used to draw fire from other units or even to bait the opponent to damage their own units. For example when they are dropped next to a group of siege tanks they will attack the MULE with the splash damage being inflicted on nearby tanks.

Different Terran MULE tactics can be applied regardless of which race you are playing against. These units provide the Terran with an economic boost when it comes to playing the game.