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New PC Games 2011

2011 is shaping up to be a great year for PC games. There are alot of anticipated games coming out this year that its makes my wallet want to cry. But my wallet is going to have to suck it up this year because there are just to many games that I as a gamer can not ignore. Im going to do a small list of the games that you are going to want to pick up this holiday season.

Star Wars: The Old Republic- 12/31/2011

Im shure most of you PC gamers out there have been stuck in an endless MMORPG rut with endless grinding to get the best equipment etc. It's finally time to put down WOW and jump into Biowares new Star Wars based MMO. This MMO is probably going to have the best and most engaging storyline ever in an MMO because every character is voiced, even your own! Bioware is known for pumping out awesome RPG action. There most recent game that blew people away was the Mass Effect Series. Star Wars: The Old Republic is going to be implementing the same dialog system as Mass Effect did so you can shape your own story line and make your own choices. The game is also going to feature space combat and you can also make NPC allies that will be your partner. This game is trying to do something that MMO games just don't do, which is tell an amazing story. I don't play many MMOs but I am defentley going to pick this one up.


Battlefield 3- 10/25/2011

Oh Battlefield, I have sunk so many hours into your amazing gameplay it makes my wife sick. That's what happens when I get my hands on the best FPS out there. Battlefield 3 is a squad based FPS with almost everything you could ever need to destroy your foes. All the usual vehicles return, with the addition of jets. Thats right the maps are going to be big enough to have dog fights with F-18's. Destructable environments return with added features thanks to the new Frostbite 2 engine. This game is going to be amazing for PC gamers because DICE is finally making this a PC game again. What I mean by that is the console versions are dummed down because of graphical limitations and what not. The maps on PC will be bigger and also be able to have 64 player matches. I've had this game pre-ordered for a long time now, the anticipation is killing me. Those are my top 2 only for PC games in 2011, I have many more in consideration this is just a start.