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Fish Your Way to a World of Warcraft Fortune

Despite the fact that few players really pick up fishing as a profession, the truth is that it certainly is not without its perks. For those who are willing to train up this wonderful secondary profession, they could find that it turns into a cash cow of sorts!

Honestly, the great thing about fishing is this: Quite a few types of fish are used in various recipes of other professions, and since there aren't that many people who actually fish - they're almost constantly in demand!

Let's take a look at some of the best sellers in terms of fish:

1. Stonescale Eels

Essentially stonescale eels are a low level type of fish that sell for about 25 silver each. Not too shabby considering you can get them at level 30 or so, and the reason they're constantly in demand is because they're needed for quite a few alchemy recipes.

Best of all, most of these fishing areas will also give you other types of fish, and in particular will yield clams that could provide you with yet more riches.

Bear in mind though - stonescale eels are nocturnal so you're only ever going to find them at 'night'.

2. Firefin Snapper

Basically these fish are used to create the famous fire oil that is used by both tailoring and alchemy recipes. So, as with stonescale eels, they're in high demand by the population of most servers.

Granted, they sell for a lot less (i.e. 10 silver) but you'll find that you're able to catch a lot more of them with a lot more ease, making your earnings similar, if not more.

3. Oily Blackmouth

Yet another fish that is worth its weight in gold, so to speak, the oily blackmouth is (surprise, surprise!) used in alchemy. Selling for about 25 silver a piece too, it is definitely going to get snapped up quickly.

Remember, although you might want to get a particular type of fish, you'll often end up with various other products such as clams that have a chance to contain pearls (golden and black pearls can sell for 3 to 5 gold a piece!).

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