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Learn the Basics of Fighting Other Players in World of Warcraft

Fighting other human beings is without a doubt very different from just pounding away on the Artificial Intelligence of mobs. For starters, other human beings can actually think and react so you may find that your fighters are a lot harder. 

Then again, human beings make mistakes too - so they could actually be easier as well! 

To put it quite simply, Player versus Player (PvP) combat in World of Warcraft is an intense affair that requires you to master the skills that are associated with it. Most players who have spent the bulk of their time leveling will have relatively little experience with actual fights, and may even be not fully aware of what all their skills and spells can accomplish. 

So the first step that you're going to need to take is to quickly learn whatever skills and spells that you have at your disposal, as well as what they do. Some skills or spells have dual natures, and using them at the right moment could help you win a battle or two, or maybe even get you out of a tight spot so that you live to see another day! 

For example, mages have blink which not only moves them forward a couple of yards, but also releases them from any stuns and snares! This means that by blinking, a mage can remove himself from being stunned and thus avoid being hit repeatedly by a warrior that has just charged him or something like that! 

See how reacting is key here? Truth be told, reacting in the right way to what your opponent is doing is really the cornerstone of World of Warcraft PvP. Using the right skills, at the right time, and in the right combination is what it takes to win battles. 

Before you even start fighting though, you should spare a moment to think about things. Don't just rush in blindly, but instead think about the class your opponent is, and what they'll probably try to do. 

Then think about what you can do to counter their skills and turn the tables on them. 

If you keep doing this, you'll gradually find that your PvP skills are improving, and you may even find that you're able to take on enemies that have better gear and are a higher level than you are. 

Once you've reached that point, you're all set to test your PvP skills where it really matters, and earn really great epic gear by doing so in the Arena itself! All the best, and be sure that you are constantly vigilant while you're fighting other players either in the world itself, or on the Arena's floors. 

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