Fallout 4 Legendary Creature Location Guide

In Fallout 4 you will run into Legendary Creatures that will drop you rare weapons. These are normally in the form of stronger normal enemy, like a Ghoul or Radroach. This Fallout 4 Legendary Creature Location Guide will help you find them all so you can hunt them down!
Fallout 4 Legendary Creature Mutations, Beware!
Before you go hunting for Legendary Creatures in Fallout 4, make sure you’re prepared. A seemingly random mechanic will sometimes cause a legendary enemy to mutate, this is possible for any legendary enemy you encounter. When a Legendary Creature mutates you will see a message pop up on your screen informing you of the change. This can have several different effects including the Legendary enemy regaining all of its lost health, launching a damaging attack or sometimes exploding and instantly killing anything nearby. Make sure you go prepared.
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Fallout 4 Legendary Creature Location Guide
Legendary Radroach

You can find the Legendary Radroach inside the USAF Satellite Station Oliva. You can find him all the way in the back. you will have to fight through some raiders and a mini gun raider to come prepared! At the back you will find a locked door that you will need to pick. Pick the lock and shoot inside, there is gas so don’t enter until after you clear it! When you clear it out, kill all the baby radroachs and go to the back left. This will spawn the Legendary and you can take him down. I used my Double Barrel Shotgun and VATS to take him out, I was level 6.
Legendary Radroach 2
You can find a second Legendary Radroach to the west of Sunshine Co Op here on the map. There is a small camp that has a couple of skeletons in it and this will spawn the Radroaches. You can use a Moltov to deal with the smaller ones quickly and then focus on the Legendary one. The Roach isn’t that tough overall, we took him down at level 5.
Legendary Ragstag

The Legendary Rabid Ragstag can be found in the South West corner of the map, exactly where shown on the image. It walks around a small shack in a swampy area with two normal Ragstag’s. There’s plenty of open ground here so a well placed mine can take it out pretty easily.
Legendary Feral Mongrel

Far in the very South West corner of the map. South East of the Scrap Palace down by the shore there’s a broken vehicle, the Legendary Feral Mongrel can be found nearby with 2 normal enemies. Even if it mutates, it’s pretty easy to take down.
Legendary Festering Bloatfly

The far Western side of the map, South West of Forest Grove Marsh, a few minutes travel from where the alien ship spawns in for the Alien Blaster Pistol.
Legendary Feral Ghoul Stalker

The Legendary Feral Ghoul Stalker can be found in the very South West corner of the map. This is a high radiation area so be sure to use either Power Armor or pick up a Hazmat Suit. There’s a large grouping of Ghoul here but they are as weak as normal Ghoul, 1-2 shots takes them out.
Legendary Radscorpian

I hate these things…..The Legendary Radscorpian is another Legendary Creature that can be found in the very South West corner of the map. It’s a short distance East from The Crater of Adam. As with previous enemies out here, make sure you’re wearing radiation protection. Be careful on approach, there are at least 3 normal Radscorpians in the immediate area.
Legendary Raider 1

I found a legendary Raider inside the Federal Ration Stockpile which can be accessed from the Lonely Chapel. Go into the Chapel and you can find a hatch on the floor you can enter. Down here there are around1 15 raiders and a boss named one. The legendary raider is down here hiding out with the normal raiders. I actually lured him into a couple of mines and then finished him with my sword.
Legendary Radscorpion Hunter

The Legendary Radscorpion Hunter can be found in the South Western area of the map. It’s a very short distance North of the Federal Supply Cache 84NE
Legendary Mirelurk Razorclaw

The Legendary Mirelurk Razorclaw can be found in the South West portion of the map. It’s near the small group of houses on the shoreline.
Legendary Infected Bloodbug

In a clearing in the city, head to the location on the map and look for the broken road that leads down to a small body of water.
Big Mack

This guy is a Legendary Super Mutant and comes complete with a horde of allies and powerful Minigun. I was level 25 on approach, was a very difficult fight but possible. Bring the big guns.
Legendary Vicious Mongrel

The Legendary Vicious Mongrel isn’t all that much stronger than the average mongrel. Few shots should do it. I found it attacking a farmer as soon as I fast traveled to the College Square location.
Legendary Raiders 2

You can find some more Legendary Raiders inside this building and on the outside around the town. There are a few other Raiders with them so prepare for a fight.
Legendary Ghoul 2

A Legendary Ghoul can be found in the bottom of this building. You will have to use the Terminal to open the door on the bottom floor. When the door is open, go through the gate with all the barrels and in the back you can find the Ghoul. Don’t fight it there, you will die from Rad poison.
Legendary Black Bloatfly

This one is actually pretty easy to kill with VATS. The hard part is getting into the building with all the Mirelurk Warriors on the outside. I used mines to get through them and into the building.
Legendary Molerat Queen

Very dangerous area here, I was using my Power Armor. You can find a Legendary Mole Rat Queen roaming in this area. She isn’t that strong but without Power Armor the Rads will really do a number on you. You will also have to watch out for Radscorpions, Ghouls and Deathclaws in the area.
Legendary Gunners

There are a few Legendary Gunners in Vault 95. I found 3 and a bunch of other enemies and Mechs. This is another area I would recommend using your Power Armor on. There is also a Bobblehead for heavy weapons on the bottom floor here.
Legendary Super Mutant Brute

A distance North East of Diamond City. The Legendary Super Mutant Brute can be found atop a broken skyrise building just off the main road.
Legendary Triggerman

This tough guy can be found inside Vault 114 while you’re doing the quest to save Nick Valentine.
How To Kill Legendary Creatures In Fallout 4
This may seem like an easy solution but we’ve had a lot of people ask. Assuming you have at least a decent weapon and basic protection gear, taking out the majority of Legendary enemies in Fallout 4 is pretty simple. Make sure you have some Jet and Psycho on you and any food you can find to buff defenses. Let the Legendary creature get close enough to guarantee accuracy with your weapon, pop the Jet and Psycho and go to work. With a decent gun this wipes out 90% of the enemies you’ll encounter in the game.
We are updating this as we go so check back soon for updates!
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