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The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone - Dead Man’s Party - Defeat the Wraiths

This aptly named quest sends you to a crypt near the von Everec manor. To find the crypt, you must first know where to go. Unfortunately Olgierd withheld these details, so you must ask around to figure it out on your own.

Start by heading to the nearest signpost, and then Fast Travel to Oxenfurt. Follow the objective waypoint on your map to locate Shani’s Clinic, and talk to Shani about the von Everec family crypt. Enter the clinic and ascend the staircase to trigger a cut scene. Afterwards, chat with the guards and respond to their questions as you wish. When Shani returns, take some time to catch up with her, and then ask about the crypt.

Shani not only tells you where to find the von Everec manor, she also wishes to see the manor herself. The manor is located on the far east side of your map, indicated by the objective marker. Begin to travel toward the manor to meet Shani in front of the von Everec family crypt.

Approach Shani to initiate a conversation. Inquire about the wedding when it’s mentioned, and she will invite you as a guest. Answer how you wish, though you probably won’t want to decline this one.

Enter the von Everec family crypt. Prepare to be ambushed by a set of wraiths as you step into the center room. Defeat the wraiths as they appear. Once the wraiths are gone, use your Witcher Senses to explore the von Everec family crypt. Look for a casket with a large sword mounted in front of it, and examine the inscription.

Next, you must spread incense in every room in the crypt. The censer should now be equipped in your quick access item slot. Walk through each area of the crypt with the censer to cloud each room with incense. When finished, head back to the center room and light the main votive to continue the ritual.

After the next cut scene, proceed to defeat the wraiths of dead von Everecs. After an extensive conversation with Shani and Vlodomir, exit the crypt and meet Shani by the farm where the wedding will be held.

Once you’ve prepared for the wedding, follow Shani and meet the newlyweds. After you talk to the newlyweds, you are free to partake in the wedding festivities.

Walk around the wedding area, and take part in the wedding activities until midnight. From pig wrangling, to slipper diving, and even a round of Gwent, there are a handful of mini games to enjoy. Have fun, and swing by each objective marker to make the most of the party.

After a bit of dancing, you will have the option to talk to Master Mirror at the wedding. Find him sitting at a table near the back of the barn.

While perusing the wedding activities, you’ll notice Aldona’s parents are concerned about the fire swallower. Agree to help them, and use your Witcher Senses to find the fire swallower. Follow the set of tracks leading out into the woods until you discover who you’re looking for. Escort the fire swallower back to the wedding, and protect the fire swallower from the ‘bear’ along the way.

Once it’s close to midnight, go to the barn for the capping ceremony. Afterward, you will gain access to a secondary quest called A Midnight Clear, where you must try to cheer up Shani. You probably won’t want to skip this one. Check out our guide for this secondary quest to ensure the best outcome.

After completing A Midnight Clear, your last objective is to inform Olgierd the task has been completed. Head to Oxenfurt and speak with Olgierd to complete the Dead Man’s Party quest.

Continue to The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone - Open Sesame, or return to USgamer’s The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone Walkthrough and Guide.