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Cityville - Getting Started (Levels 1 to 3)

Cityville – Getting Started (Levels 1 to 3)

Welcome to the joys of Cityville.

Starting Funds:
7,000 gold
5 Cash
12 Energy
0 goods (the one with the box)

Goal One: Build a House
This handy button gives you access to the buildings you can presently construct. It will also show you some buildings that you can create in the future when you meet the requites

Starting Buildings:
Your first building is selected for you,the Cozy Cottage. You get 10 Population and will get 50 gold every hour for the rent.
Once you have chosen it, it will show you where to place it. After you place it, you will be prompted to click on the building, expending some energy to work on the cottage to bring it closer to completion, do this twice to complete the cottage.
After the second time, you will see that people will come and move into this building automatically after it's finished. Nice huh?
Also, when you complete the building the rent and experience will spill for the house. You will need to collect it by clicking on it this first time.
You will notice you have expended energy. It will refresh, by default, at a rate of one energy per five minutes. This does require some planning, so be sure to look into the requirements of each building.

Be sure to click on the Goals button, which is just below the Gold display in the upper left.

After that, you are prompted to name your new town.

With that, you can click on the Goals button to receive a lot of rewards for your efforts. It will also tell you what you need to do to complete the next goal.

Take a little time and build a second house, whichever looks better to you. After that, you will reap more rewards and its time for a new goal: building a bakery.

Building the bakery:
This is broken down into 3 steps:
1) Buy the bakery (just 1)
2) Supply good to the bakery (just 1)
3) Collect from the Bakery after 10 customers have been served to get the maximum reward

Step 1:
To Build a bakery, go into the build panel.
Next, click on the business icon, which is right next to the building icon
The Bakery is the second one from the left. Place it wherever you feel is appropriate. You will need to expend 2 energy to completely build the Bakery.
You will be prompted to name the Bakery at this time.
After this, click on the Bakery itself. This will give you the prompt to supply the Bakery with 10 sets of Goods, which it needs to open.
After that, wait a few minutes for 10 people to be served at the Bakery to collect the best reward. This will take one energy, giving you a number of rewards and add a number of goals.
Once you have collected from the Bakery, give it 10 more goods to keep business moving and making it easier to collect money from it.

Now with the Bakery in business and two buildings, it's time to collect some goodies. The daily bonus will be available to you now. Click on that to receive some more coins. It will also let you share this bonus with friends. It will also show you what your rewards will be for coming back and playing the game regularly.

With the Bonus collected, let's move down the list and cover these starting goals

Planting a City Flag:
You are introduced to Governor Phil. He congratulates you for your progress on your city. He will tell you where to find the city Flag in the hints section, that it is in the Build menu under decorations. So, click on the Build button, then click the decorations button. This one is to the right of the Business tab. The Flag  is the far right option, costing 50 Gold, a pittance to the funds you likely have. Once you have placed the Flag where you want, you will unlock City Hall, allowing you to push toward being an official city. You will likely hit level 3 around this time.

Reaching Level 3
Just keep an eye on your Bakery and collect from it when you can. This can quickly push you to Level 3 if the Goals don't.