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Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 – Fundamentals: Movement

Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 – Fundamentals: Movement

While it is easy to get the bare bone basics of getting around in the arena, there are some things that will require more practice than others. Still, there are a number of things that you would not expect to be in place that take practice to master.

Just move toward or away from your opponent. Given the pace of the game though you will only really use this right at the start of a match when you can't do much else.

Dashing is done by double tapping forward or back or by a hitting forward or back with two attack buttons. This is going to be much more helpful getting around because it is faster. Most, not all, characters can also cancel this dash and quickly launch into an attack opposed to finishing the whole dash movement.

Within dashing, there is a second style called Wavedashing. This is a much more advanced technique but very helpful to cover a lot of distance quickly. It is done by dashing, then crouching by hitting down, followed by a second dash command. Some characters can only cancel their dash after half of the dash has been completed and a few have unique options presented

The characters who cannot cancel their dashes:
Doctor Doom, Dormammu, Hulk

Unique Dashes:
Arthur has no dash
Hsien-Ko teleports for her forward dash
Morrigan does an air dash instead of a ground dash
Capt. America backflips when you hit Special + Attack
Felicia performs a foreground dash with Special + Attack
Spider-Man, put in a Direction + Special + Attack to perform a two way web glide
Spencer, put in a Direction + Special + Attack to perform a five way bionic grab

This is a crucial skill that can let you get away from a ground-based assault that is meant to hit you as you come back down. This also lets you cancel a basic air attack and push further out. This maneuver is done just like any other dash, by hitting forward or back with two attack buttons or by double tapping in a direction. Some characters have multiple air dash directions. These can be used to gain height, change direction, alter your jump angle or drop in for a fast surprise attack (commonly called Triangle Jumping). While you are air-dashing you cannot block any attacks so be wary of when you use it.

8-way Dashers
C. Viper, Doctor Doom, Dormammu, Iron Man, Magneto, M.O.D.O.K., Phoenix, Storm, Thor, Trish

6-way Dashers
Spencer (Via Air Grappling Hook)

4-way Dashers
Spider-Man (Web Glide)

3-way Dashers

2-way Dashers
Dante, Hsien-ko, Morrigan, Tron, Zero

Double Forward Air Dasher

Double Air Dasher
Viewiful Joe (Forward and Backward)

Unique Air Dashers:
Super Skrull: Up-Forward Airdash
Morrigan: Arcing Upward and Downward air dashes.

Like many of the other entries in the Versus series, you have two options for jumping, regular and super. An important change that happened in this game is that the characters do not automatically reorient in the air. They will only do this if you use a special move while airborne and have crossed over your opponent. While airborne, without flight, you can only perform a maximum of three special moves. Activating a character's flight mode counts as one special move!

Regular Jumping is done by any directional input going upwards. You can perform some combos during this air time. You also have the option of calling in a crossover assist while you are airborne.

Super Jumping is done by tapping down, then upwards swiftly. You have plenty of time for launching special moves and performing combos. You cannot call on a crossover assist. Many attacks can be canceled into a super jump, handy if you launch your opponent.

A limited number of characters have the ability to fly for a short while once they are airborne. This will automatically reorient the characters to face their opponent. While you cannot block in flight mode, you can perform an unlimited number of moves and perhaps some unique moves.

Special Jumps
Like any good Capcom fighting game, there are a number of characters who have unique jumping options. These are Double or Triple Jumps and Wall Jumps. Performing these moves are very simple. For Double or Triple Jumps, you simply hit an upwards directional the number of times you want to jump. For Wall Jumps, you need to be moving along the edge of the screen, then hit up and away, relative to the screen's edge. This is handy to quickly gain some air to avoid attacks or to change the flow of your jump.

With any character who can multi-jump, it is important to watch your inputs. Doing so can make a big difference in what you can pull off. If you accidentally use up all your jumps then need just a bit more air-time to finish a combo is a perfect example.

Double Jumpers
Arthur, C. Viper, Dante, Deadpool, Iron Man, Sentinel, Trish

Triple Jumpers
Chun-Li, Viewtiful Joe

Wall Jumpers
Chun-Li, Deadpool, Felicia (after she's clung to a wall), She-Hulk, Spider-Man, Wolverine and X-23