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Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 – Fundamentals: Attacking

Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 – Fundamentals: Attacking

At the core of every fighting game rest the mechanics of attacking and counter attacking. That is what sets the flow of battle and gives rhythm to the combat. In this game, its all about speed. It is about pulling the faster, more effective attack and taking control the tide of attacks. Within this flow are a number of elements that only experience or the written word can pass on to others. This guide focuses on the various other elements found within the attacks that you can use against your opponent. Careful examination of each character's moveset will reveal what moves have what features.

Counter Hits
Counter hits are of a slightly different breed than your regular attack. They function as an interrupt to another attack with the animation is in one of its various phases. Managing to interrupt an attack like that puts you at an advantage over your opponent briefly, long enough to start a second attack or continue it into a combo. This can also open up unique combo opportunities.

This can be set out by a number of both airborne attacks or a number of other attacks. This will set your opponents to the ground, forcing a recovery and throwing them off balance. In the air, it forces an aerial recovery. This will give your opponent some invulnerability and forces them to break off their attack.

Unrecoverable Knockdown
This forces your opponent to hit the ground and be stunned for a number of seconds. Only select attacks will cause knockdown. In some cases however, this will make it so there is no way for the character to recover quickly and you will have to wait several seconds for full recovery. Only after can you return to inputting commands.

Wall and Ground Bounce
During each combo you can manage only one bounce, from either the ground or the wall. This can be induced through a number of downwards attacks, typically specials, that will leave your opponent vulnerable to further attacks.

Spinning Knockdown
A few moves will send your opponent spinning, and they will not stop until they hit the ground. Only at that point could they recover normally. While they are like this, they are completely vulnerable to attacks. Various attacks will cause this state with varying degrees of success. There is no limit to how many times you can cause Spinning Knockdown.

Certain attacks cause your opponent to slowly fall to the ground. During this time, you can simply hit them and you will begin to juggle them. It also presents opportunities for you to prepare a charge attack or to send them into the ground or wall.

Incapacitation and Dizzy
Only particular moves will cause these states. While incapacitated or dizzy, there is nothing a player can do. They will only be contained for a short while, so if you are aiming to incapacitate or dizzy your foe, be sure you know what you are going to set up into.

Partner Attacks

Crossover Assist
This is a fast attack, having them emerge from the sidelines and they will perform one of their attacks. Used properly, this can aid or extend a combo further than otherwise possible. Assist can be called during normal movement and jumping, while performing basic combos or while recovering from an aerial or ground attack. You can call an assist simply by tapping that partner's button

Crossover Attack
By holding the partner's button, you will call them out onto the arena. This changes them to the active fighter. Done right this offers a good way to extend and produce some unique combos. If this attack hits, it causes a spinning knockdown. Be sure to space out all uses of crossover attacks. They will disrupt your rhythm of attacks and leave more openings than you might realize.

Crossover Combos
By pressing and holding both partner buttons, and have three full hyper gauges, you will call out your entire time for a massive attack. If you have only two, only one of your allies will come out and aid in your hyper combo. With a single gauge, only your active character will perform their hyper combo.

It is important to note that your point character can abort their hyper combo earlier than the rest of the team using X-Factor. Doing so leaves your opponent facing one mobile character while the others continue to perform their hyper combos. With enough gauges, amazing hyper combo damage can be achieved.