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Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword Walkthrough Part 29 – The Skipper's Retreat

Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword Walkthrough Part 29 – The Skipper's Retreat

After talking with him a bit on the pier, the Skipper sends Link up to his shack. He seems to understand  that he cannot go too far from the ship. So Link needs to grab the map. Head forward to the Save Statue then head to the right. Dash across the quicksand to the next platform, after you bomb the spume that is lingering between.

On the second platform, after you deal with the the spume, pull out your Clawshots and head up to the next platform using the target. Take a moment and look around. You will see a flying plant, which looks a lot like a peahat, this counts as a target point for the Clawshots. Grapple onto it using the clawshots and head up to the next platform using the clawshots. Up there, go behind the cactus with the bomb flower on top, pull out the beetle and fire it off. Likely you noticed the rubble in the back left of this platform. Drop the bomb on there to clear the way to the next part of the island. Be on your guard as there are a lot of Chuchus in the tunnel and a few at its entrance. Now go through the short Clawshot sequence to reach the next level on the islands.

Up here you will need to face down a Moblin … on a bridge. This would have been more difficult with just the Goddess Sword but the upgrade did double your damage. Still, if you want to fight it, get behind it and onto the platform there. It gives you a lot more room and no chance of getting knocked down into the sand below. Just know that on the platform behind him there is also a Quadro Baba. Also be sure to look around for the high patch of vines. If you follow it along you will see it leads to a Goddess Cube. Use the Clawshots to get over there and release its seal.

Head back then cross over to the next platform. There is a Furnix that will not hesitate to attack you there. Kill it then look over to the left part of that platform. You will see an odd plant that you can target. Pull out the whip and yank it to reveal another Peahat you can clawshot onto. Do so and wait to get close enough to the next platform to grapple up there as well. There are some Gerudo Dragonflies on top so take a moment to collect one or two. Now pull out the Beetle and aim for the next clawshot target. There is a Deku Baba just waiting directly above. To get hit by it means a very long fall so use the Beetle to take it out. Clawshot on to it after that then the next target. Immediately pull out the whip and get moving. This platform is circled by two Furnixes. As soon as you kill one it gets much easier to kill the next. After that, aim the clawshots at the next peahat, but target it a little in advance of where it is. Chain onto the next one then onto the platform with the Skipper's house. Head on inside to see the hunk of sand its become with a few Arachas inside as well. After that use the Gust Bellows to clear away all the sand and dust to find a number of Amber Relics as well as a Blue Chest. Inside that chest you will find the Ancient Sea Chart. Now it is time to start down from here to get back to the dock. Head around the house to the zipline. You can just jump onto this and ride it down from level to level. Be sure to take a moment on each platform as one has a random treasure chest that you can reach by jumping over to it. Aside from that just make for the pier and the Skipper.