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Mortal Kombat Walkthrough Chapter 6 - Jax

Chapter 6 - Jax
Raiden stands back from the ceremony at the Temple of Light and ponders how his Amulet was further damaged by Liu Kang's victory. Jax keeps him company, talking with him about who "he" must be. Neither of them have any idea of what that phrase could mean.

Raiden suddenly greets Shang Tsung sarcastically, asking if the Emperor is indeed in the habit of rewarding failure. The revitalized Sorcerer looks decades younger, surprising Jax. He appears with a proposal for a single tournament with the stakes being "All or Nothing" in Outworld. When Raiden doesn't agree to the new terms Shang Tsung opens portal and a number of enemies pour out. Jax dives into fray and is knocked out after taking down a few of them.

When Jax comes to, he is surrounded by the surviving fighters from the previous tournament. Raiden talks of how Shang Tsung made it clear the Earth Realm will be under the constant threat of attack until he accepts the the new tournament terms presented to him and Jax asks about Sonya and finds out she was taken. Just then Raiden has another vision, showing Liu Khan killing the Emperor, claiming victory in this new tournament. He guesses that someone else must win instead of Liu Kang. He now thinks that his visions are of events that need to be changed, not followed. He accepts the new terms proposed by Shao Khan and they venture to Outworld.

Shao Khan looks at seal prsented by Goro. Jax appears with Raiden and Johnny. Raiden explains that he sent Liu Kang and Kung Lao to rescue their Shaolin Masters.. He ethusiastically takes Jax to be the first combatant in the new Tournament who he pits against Baraka.

Baraka remains changing a bit from when you last fought him. He is more aggressive and won't hesitation on opens much more. Keep the pressure on him. Using Jax's Down,  Toward + Back Punch is a great way to close any gap Baraka attempts to make. His Down, Toward + Front Punch is great for some quick, upclose damage, so keep it in mind. Be warned that Jax's X-Ray attack is little more than his throw range so only use it when your opponent is very close.

After this first combat, Jax approaches Shang Tsung and demands to know where Sonya is. Shang Tsung takes a lot of pleasure in his discomfort. Before he can declare opponent, Reptile appears and whispers something to Shang Tsung. He asks for the emperor's leave to attend to something. He is granted it and departs with Reptile. The two girls look at each other. Raiden gets a vision of Sonya about to be executed and he offers to teleport them as close to the location as possible. He does tell them that his powers are compromised in Outworld.

When the scene resumes, we find the band of explorers somewhere in Outworld. Johnny asks just where are they and Raiden responds that he will tell him as soon as he knows. Johnny asks about things between him and Sonya and he states that he is her CO, nothing more and tells him to drop it. Johnny presses the matter and Jax decides to shut him up.

Johnny Cage is a good fight and you should have a solid idea of how to beat him at this point. He is more aggressive now though so keep pace with him.

After that fight someone else makes this appearance, Jade. She tells everyone there they are in the armory and that it is restricted. This means she's here to beat you up.

After that, Raiden knows where to go. As you exit the armory you find yourself facing a small squad lead by Sheeva. Apparently Sonya has tried to escape and is now being held in a Sewer. The rescue party appears and they find themselves facing down a squad. Jax fights his way through the squad, knocking one into the pool of acid. When everything is said and done, Jax is squaring off against Sheeva.

This is a good fight as they are fairly similar in style of combat as expert close-range brawlers. This can go back and forth a bit because they have good strength behind them.

She asks what took them so long. She was happy to be rescued after that. She takes a look at her tracking screen and finds two high tech signals. The party heads out to investigate these signals because tech doesn't work in Outworld.