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Portal 2 Walkthrough: Test Chamber 06

portal 2 test chamber 6

As you step out of the elevator, the announcer explains that the next test applies the principles of momentum to movement through portals. and if the laws of physics no longer apply in the future, then god help you. Climb the stairs and go past the sign. You will end up in a shallow pit, so open a portal near you to reach the main area. Next go and stand on top of the deep pit, and shoot open a portal on the bottom of the pit (see screenshot).

 Fall through the pit to reach the door area. Now shoot a pit under the box.

portal 2 test chamber 6

jump back down to the main area to fetch the crate, and again shoot a portal open at the bottom of the pit and jump to get to the door. Place the crate on the red button and door will open. The announcer will say that if you are a non employee who has discovered this facility amidst the ruins of civilization, welcome! and remind you that testing is the future, and the future starts with you. Go through both barriers and a second door to reach a big chamber.

Open a portal on the angled platform on the wall.

portal 2 test chamber 6

then jump through the orange portal, and you should land near a crate. Stand on the edge of the wall and place the cube on the floor where the red button is. Next open a portal in the high grey wall across (see screenshot).

Jump through it with momentum and you will reach the floor with the big red button. Go around the glass and place the crate on the red button.

This will raise a drawbridge. Jump through the orange portal again with momentum, and you should land on the bridge you just raised. This might take a few tries, you can also adjust the location of the blue portal to be right across the bridge to make it a bit easier. Now step through the barrier, down the stairs, pand board the elevator to advance to test chamber 07.