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Mortal Kombat Walkthrough Chapter 9 - Kitana

Chapter 9 - Kitana

After all this is said and done, Shao Khan lays into Kitana, clearly saying that it was her responsibility to keep track of these Ninjas and ensure they did not interfere with his Tournament to this degree. He forcefully tells her to leave. The scene cuts back to Raiden who explains that Kitana's fate rides a fine line.  He leaves to talk with her. Smoke laments the loss of his friend.

The scene cuts to Jade and Kitana having an argument. Te two have been friends a long time but Jade's loyalty must be to her Emperor first and her friend second. Jade explains to Kitana that she is the Princess so the Shao Khan expects more from her than anyone else. Jade leaves, saying she will return when Kitana is more receptive.

Just after Kitana leaves, Raiden, Smoke and Johnny Cage appear. Raiden asks for an audience. She takes a firm stance and demands that they let her be. Johnny famously says that they aren't there to fight, but Smoke makes it worse by saying they will if they must. Time for a Two on One fight.

Kitana has only a few ranged attacks with her fans, but they can be done on the ground and in the air, giving you more diversity than you might otherwise expect. She is also somewhat fast so try to press on the speed advantage. If it looks like you are jumping into an anti-air attack, remember that her Square Boost (Down, Away + Front Punch) can be used mid-air and it is a good way to quick dodge an attack like that. The good news about her is that her X-Ray attack has great range, the same as her fan attack. Still, use it carefully as it is easy for an opponent to block an attack like that.

Smoke and Johnny are not the toughest duo but they do work somewhat well together. They will change with fair freuqnecy at times so keep ready to deal with it. Still, use your Square Boost against Smoke in the Air and keep more on the ground against Johnny. Before too long you should win the fight.

After the battle, before she can finish off Johnny Cage, Raiden intervenes. He explains that Liu Kang told him a bit about his encounter with her. He makes note of the fact that Kitana is much more like Sindle, her mother, than Shao Khan. He also tells her that she clearly senses something is wrong, that things, that she should be different than what is found in the present. As he is saying this, he receives a vision of Sindle, the Queen of Outworld. He tells Kitana to head to Shang Tusng's Flesh Pits. She starts to protest, that she is forbidden to go there. Raiden tells her that she will find out things she needs to know there and only she can change the course of her fate. She takes some time to think about it but starts to make her way there.

You are now half way through story mode.

As Kitana makes her way through the Dead Forest, she stops and calls out Jade. Her friend appears, letting her know that she was ordered not to let her reach the Flesh Pits. Kitana asks Jade why, but the other woman states she is simply following orders. The two raise their fists against each other.

Jade plays a fast and aggressive game. Keep on your toes and be sure to keep ready to block. If you gain an advantage, press it as far as you can.

After the fight Kitana leaves her unconcious friend and maeks for the pits. She walks down the stairs, descending int othe deapths of the Pits. In them she finds numerous experiences of deformed creatures but only a few are fully formed. One is sitting on a slab, a woman, who is apparently a clone of her. This woman awakes, calling Kitana her Sister. Kitana is taken back by this woman, who is explaining they are family. Kitana refuses this and the two engage in battle.

This Mystery Woman is Mileena. She has some teleport moves and makes fair use of her Sais against you. Keep on guard her for low-hitting rolling attack. Lady will eat your face, literally, given the chance.

The fight gives Shang Tsung enough time to get there. He gently chastises her for beating up what he calls her sister. Kitana asks if he thinks the Emperor will approve of such creations. He states that he is working working on perfecting her, as difficult as it may seem. Kitana challenges Shang Tsung, saying she will drag him before her father so he can be judged for his experiments in the Flesh Pits.

The difficulty will be raised for Shang Tsung. Thankfully, in story mode he seems more restricted in his transformations than he is in arcade mode. At worst you are fighting him and yourself. There good news here is his X-Ray can be avoided fairly easily but it has some good range to it.

After the fight she tells Shang Tsung to get up and confess his crimes before the Emperor. The scene changes to get, with guards, standing before the Emperor. She tells Shao Khan what Shang Tsung has been doing, creating cross-breeds of her using the Tarkatan bloodlines. The Emperor congratulates the Sorcerer on his work, having created a successful cross-breed. The truth comes out from Shao Khan about his plans and Kitana's past. He has her taken away to the Tower to be made an example of.