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Transistor Guide: Function Guide

Transistor Guide: Function Guide

Transistor Guide: Function Guide

Throughout Transistor you will be given choices on what moves to take and what ones to skip. They are all useful but certain ones shine above the rest. This guide will help you find out which moves you want to take when you level up. Let’s get started.

You will automatically get four moves as you progress through the first level. The top is a brief description of the move followed by the buffs you can get by slotting them to other Functions. I am updating this as I go so check back often for updates!

Level 2

Transistor Mask


If you use the Mask as a move you will be able to stealth for longer then if you put it on a move. Stealth damage is 200% and you can use it in turn recovery.

Crash: Stuns nearby targets and makes them vulnerable.
Breach: Increases the duration of your stealth.
Spark: Once you come out of stealth a spark is automatically launched.
Jaunt: Increases your speed for a second and your turn recovery is increased.
Switch: When you go into stealth units around you will turn to your team briefly.
Help: You will spawn a copy of yourself when you stealth, it will have low hp.
Ping: Increases back stab damage.


Bounce does exactly what you would expect, bounces between enemies. It has a limited amount of bounces but the damage isn’t to bad.

Crash: Now Bounce will stun targets and make them more vulnerable.
Breach: Increases how far the bounce will go(160%).
Spark: Now each target that is hit will have a smaller AoE come off of them. These sparks also jump between targets.
Jaunt: Makes the move usable while in turn recovery.
Load: Increases the Bounce damage and makes it an AoE, will not go through multiple targets.
Help: Gives bounce a 50% chance to prevent cells from spawning.

Level 3

Transistor Load


Puts an explosive packet on the ground that can be hit into enemies. Does AoE damage.

Crash: Now Load will stun targets and make them more vulnerable.
Breach: The packets will spawn further away.
Spark: Spawns multiple packets, they do decreases damage.
Jaunt: Makes the packets explode automatically when you put them down.
Bounce: Makes the packets explode into little bouncing bolts. Still does the same amount of damage just adds the bouncing bolts.
Help: Gives bounce a 50% chance to prevent cells from spawning.
Ping: Increases blast radius of Load.


Switch is a charm and will turn certain enemies to your team, doesn’t work on big bosses.

Crash: Will switch the enemy to your team for 5 seconds.
Breach: Will switch the enemy to your team for 5 seconds.
Spark: Will switch the enemy to your team for 5 seconds.
Jaunt: Will switch the enemy to your team for 2.5 seconds but has a small AoE radius.
Mask: Makes it so enemies can’t attack or be attacked for a few seconds.
Help: Will spawn a bad cell that is on your team when you hit an enemy.
Ping: Turns enemies into allies briefly.

Level 4

Transistor Help!

Help lets you summon a weak ally. They don’t do very much damage but can make a great distraction.

Crash: Your ally will be able to stun and is immune to stun. Also increases allies HP.
Breach: Gives ally increased ranged and gives more turn planning. Increases ally HP as well.
Spark: Spawns two units instead of one but reduces their damage.
Jaunt: Reduces the cool down on spawning allies and increases their attack speed. Increases HP on ally again.
Bounce: Allies attacks bounce between targets for reduced damage, increased HP on allies again.
Load: Makes the allies attacks have a blast radius and increases the damage slightly. Yet again increases allies HP.
Ping: Gives you a 50% chance to prevent cells from spawning.

Level 6

You get a repeat at level 5. Level 6 let’s you pick between Ping and Get.


Ping is basically a rapid fire line shot with low damage.

Crash: Increases your attack speed and reduces amount of energy moves take for turn planning.
Breach: Increases your attack speed and reduces amount of energy moves take for turn planning.
Spark: Increases your attack speed and reduces amount of energy moves take for turn planning.
Jaunt: Reduces your turn planning cost.
Mask: Makes your stealth come back quicker.
Switch: Increases your attack speed and reduces amount of energy moves take for turn planning.
Load: Increases your attack speed and reduces amount of energy moves take for turn planning.
Help: Increases Ally unit movement speed and hp and reduces how much energy it takes to summon them.

I am playing through the rest of the game still so check back soon for updates!