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LA Noire Walkthrough Part 9 - The White Shoe Slaying

L.A. Noire – The White Shoe Slaying

Once you make it to the crime scene, you have to hate the rain. No blood trail this time around. First, look at the body, tilting the head to the right to find the dry cleaning label, giving you your first clue. Next head over the B Marker to find the foot prints of the scene. Follow that by heading over the C marker bu the tire tracks to find the last clue around. Now head over to the phone to call in and see what has been happening. A cut scene happens and immediately your talking with Cathrine Barton.

Cathrine Barton
Suspicious Persons – Truth

Now head for the phone, again, to get the address for the laundry place and the local hobo camp.

Head on in after Rusty. Head up to the front counter to get the Register. You want to look at the inner left-hand page. Fifth from the bottom you'll find the Order and get her address. Now, let's keep on this trail and go to that address.

Emerald Street
After the cut scene, head into the bedroom, which is to the right of the main door. On the dresser you see inside, you will find a matchbox. Feel free to check the photo next to it as well. Head out and toward the left. As you do, you should pass a small table with a chess board set up on it. Near it is another matchbox from the same bar. Now head through the kitchen, past the girls, into the laundry room. First, look to the left to find her handbag, be sure to search it to find her operator's license. A little further up in the laundry room you will find some muddy boots. Hold to the lower right to get the clue. Turn, facing toward the door, and look at the jacket to get another clue. Step out the back door and look at the boat which is around the corner of the house to the right. Search the front of the boat for the clue. Time to talk with Lars now.

Lars Taraldsen
Possible Suspects – Lie backed with Bow Rope
Alibi for Lars – Doubt
Victim's state of mind – Doubt
Last contact with victim – Lie backed with Wet Jacket

Grab the phone that is sitting in the living room to get people on checking the alibi. Keep on the trail of Mrs. Taraldsen, so head on over to Baron's Bar.

Baron's Bar
Head in and talk with the bartender.

Benny Cluff
Last contact with victim – Truth Opens up Yellow Cab 3591
Vagrant male suspect – Doubt
Yellow Cab - Truth

Once you choose the Yellow Cab option, a chase sequence will start so save it for last! A brief foot chase followed by a car chase. Keep on his tail and run him down.

After all that you get to question him

Richard Bates
Last contact with the victim – Doubt
Account of movements – Doubt

With Richard in, time to find that cab from last night. Call in from the nearest phone to find out a far bit and get the cab flagged. Head down to the yellow flag on your map. Once you close in the cab, the rest is automatic, giving you a clue.

Time to head into the station and question the people there.

Central Station
James Jessop
Contact with victim – Doubt Opens up Movements prior to murder and Cab ride with victim
Incident with Bates – Doubt
Movements prior to murder – Doubt
Cab ride with victim – Doubt

With that, you get the location of the bus depot. Head over there to investigate things. Head inside the station and you'll find the bus driver's present route. You get a map showing it. Time to, literally, catch a bus. This can take some time, so get comfortable and grab a drink. The clue puts it very against our local hobo, so its time to finally get there and investigate things.

That just leaves the Hobo Camp to be investigated. Head over there. A fun little scene ensues, and you find yourself in a fist fight with the local leader. Deck him good and take him down. Head into the shack and you will see a newspaper. After that, keep looking inside to find a small coin purse on a crate near the bed. Twist it to the right to get the first clue. After that, open it up and investigate the mint inside to find out more of where that little coin purse came from. Head to the other side of the shack to find a short length of bloody rope. Twist it toward you to find the blood on it. That cinches things here so time to head into the station.

Central Police Station
Stuart Ackerman
Motive for murder – Lie backed with bloody rope
Contact with victim – Doubt
Alibi for Ackerman – Lie backed with the purse

That's a wrap for that case.