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iPad Application Development and Android Application Development - The challenges - Part 1

So far I have discussed about all the iPad Application Development and Android Application Development methodology and about hiring different companies for designing and development to convert your idea into reality. In this article I will try to focus on the challenges of the development for iPad and Android and also how there are some unknowns which you might venture into and find yourself trapped. I will try to provide as much information as possible so that it can be helpful for you to have good amount of knowledge in understanding the platforms and how they work.

Let's talk about iPad Application Development first. What to say, Apple has done great job in creating one of the best application development environment and most responsive platform. We have used all development platforms and we found that Apple iOS SDK is the most developer friendly and also more debugging friendly platform. Well that's what you are not going to find when you will face Android Application Development. iPad Application Development though has its own flaws and problems to face with. First thing which we feel is that Apple needs to make simulator system much better and quick, it lacks in speed and some time debugging becomes hard to do. No, major problem faced yet, nothing but all that designing issues where problems occur in vertical and horizontal views to adjust the graphics accordingly.

Unlike Android Application Development, iPad Application Development has an advantage of having only one type of hardware and screen resolution to deal with. Most of the people still think that making an app or game for iPhone makes it easier to make it for iPad also. Well they are half true, it does save lot of time but it's no way easier to make the same thing for iPad, as especially if it is game. Unless you are not using and special framework you might be able to adjust few things here and there and it will work. But in case of using AIs and other resolution based game programming, it might make you to write the whole code of the feature again. So, that are some of the issues you might find out when you are doing iPad Application Development. You might be thinking well Android might be easy; after all it抯 from Google, isn't it?

Wait for my next article on Android Application Development and you will have enough information to think otherwise. In any case, these guys have done some pretty good job in creating these developing environments and have really made some of the dreams come true.