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LA Noire Walkthrough Part 12 - The Black Caesar

L.A. Noire – The Black Caesar

As always item one on the menu is head on over the crime scene to see just what has happened over there. Just head north on Wilcox then hand a right on Hollywood then a left on Ivar to get there.

Junkie's Apartment
Time to search for evidence. First clues you can gather will be on the body on the floor. Start with the chest area to get at the wallet to see his operator's license and the second is the slip of paper on the right-hand side. Now look at the victim's left arm to make note of blood. Next to the table nearby the on the floor. Start with the piece of paper on the right for the next clue. Next look at the upright popcorn cup on the table. Look at the label then further investigate the bottom of the cup to get the next clue. Now, look around the floor near the couch to find another popcorn cup and a wallet. Look inside the wallet for another operator's license as well as another clue on the right-side of the wallet. That's it for this room, time to head into the bed room. There, look for the cup on the floor and see another strange bit of tape on it. Now, head into the kitchen area and look near the sink for the popcorn cup sitting by it. On the bottom you will find your next real clue. Just outside of the kitchen, on the right, you will see another overturned popcorn cup with with two morphine doses (one used and one full).

That does all the clues. Follow Roy over to the Black Caesar Food Stand to investigate things.

Black Caesar
Roy just gets all the love. After a very brief introduction, you dive right into a chase and a fight scene. Lay your opponent out then its time to search the food stand. Inside you want to look in fornt of you first. The suitcase you see has a trumpet but also a muffler for it. Get the zoom-in then investigate it further to find some number slips like the ones you found in the Junkie's apartment. Next look at the little ticket to the left for another clue, now further investigate it to get a new name to investigate. Next look at the box closest to you near the popcorn machine. Look into the little boxes on the right. That's it there, time to interrogate Fleetwood.

Fleetwood Morgan
Overdose victims – Lie backed with the popcorn cups with morphine
Number slips – Doubt

Now find the nearest phone and call into to get more information about what you have. The phone is just next to the food stand.

Booking Agency
Time for you to track down the Booking Agency. Follow the directions you get to find the place. Head up the stairs and look at the sign to find just where to look. You're after room 238. Head up there and into the room. First, look into the jukebox and set it to FM. Set it to the frequency that you saw in the wallet, that JJ is always listening to, 275. After that, expect to get into a fight. Lay they guy out and keep looking at jukebox to get more information from it. Look at the syringe you can plainly see to get a clue. Next look at the sticker that's on the top part of the jukebox. Be sure to look at everything in there just to be sure. Now it's time to lay into Jermaine Jones.

Jermaine Jones
Army Surplus Morphine – Doubt
Involvement with 'Ottie' – Lie back with distributor identified
Link to Ramez Removals – Doubt

Now, spend a little time on the phone to get the address for Ramez Removals. The next step though is investigating the Numbers Operation.

Numbers Operation
Head on up the stairs you find the whole gambling operation that's set up there. First, hit up the red slot machine that you see so brightly illuminated. Remember those doodles you saw back at the apartment? Time to use them, they are Cherry, Bell and Win. You need to spin the wheel then hit the hold button on any of those three symbols that show up. This can take a while though, so be sure you're comfy. When you do get it, look carefully at the syringe boxes on the right, the slip on the middle and sticker on the flap of the hidden compartment. Once you step away from the slot machine though, Ottie starts running. Watch out for the people he throws in front of you because they will trip you up. It can a long chase. After the chse, further investigate the cane to find an IOU note in the hidden compartment of the cane.

Merlon Ottie
Army Surplus Morphine – Lie backed Finklestien Identified
IOU Note from Jose Ramez – Truth

Ramez Removal Warehouse
Head on over to Ramez removals. When you get there, you need to set into yet another chase. This time at least its a car chase. Run down the delivery truck that you saw leaving to find this guy. Again, we wary of the guy in the back. Now, it's time to hunt for clues. First, look to the left, at the second desk you see that way, to find the newspaper there. Look into the ledger to find frequent deliveries from an Ice Company. Now, start looking/listening to the floor to find the water trail. Keep on that to find your way to the back of the room. Take your partner's advice and get onto the ladder nearby to look over the floor you're on. Follow the catwalk to the crane operator's board. You'll see a blue blue illuminated so move the crates out of your way to get at it. Head down now that you've cleared the boxes out of the way and into that door. Investigate the first piece of ice that you find to make note of something being inside. Now shoot the block a few times to get it to split open. once you make it over there and see, in detail about the ice, you'll get another cut scene. Unfortunately, Jose doesn't want to play nice anymore, so you can gun him down now. Next stop is the Polar Bear Ice Company.

Polar Bear Ice Company
At least this part is straight forward. No more investigating, just good, old fashion shooting. After that though, there is a little more poking around to do. Walk around the corner and look at the green box to wrap up your first vice case.