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Skyrim Sidelines- The Forsworn Conspiracy: Stop It. Now.

When you step out of the Silver-Blood Inn, it’s time for a worrying encounter: a guard is waiting for you.  The man tells you that you’ve been noticed snooping about and it won’t be stood for- he threatens you with ‘what will happen’.  Regardless of your response- whether you ask to know what will happen, tell him you’re not looking for trouble, or declare that nobody controls you, he gives you a final warning about how you’re finding trouble and you’ll get more if you don’t leave off and then heads off on his rounds.  It’s pretty clear that someone’s going to great lengths to ensure nobody does anything about the Forsworn, but why remains up in the air.

When you return to Eltrys with the information, he considers it pretty straightforwards- Thonar Silver-Blood has his hands in pretty much everything that happens.  He also points out for you that the man runs the Treasury, a major point of interest and trade in the city.  This next step revealed, you’ll need to make your way into the Treasury and speak with Thonar to get a clearer idea of what’s going on here.  Giving you some coinage, Eltrys reminds you to come to him anytime you find out anything of interest.  If you’re interested in getting more information- and getting more coin from Eltrys- then you’ll want to leave this line of questioning for now and instead head for the Warrens.

When you arrive at the Treasury House, you’ll first spot the front counter, which is manned by a woman named Rhiada.  She can tell you a good bit about Markarth and the Silver-Bloods, as well as the Treasury House.  She’s worth listening to for several points.  First off, she will explain that the Treasury House has all the landowners of the Reach as clients, and handles their money for them under the direction of Thonar Silver-Blood.  Secondly, she will explain about the Silver-Blood family a bit, lending more credence to the occasional mentions that they own virtually all of Markarth as well as pointing out that while Thonar is in charge of monetary issues, his brother who can be found in Understone Keep is the one to go to about anything political.  Finally, she will also mention that everyone working in the local mines recieves their pay via the Treasury House, and Nepos the Nose is the man who handles this- he apparently has some kind of deft touch at handling the workers.