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Duke Nukem Forever Walkthrough Part 34 – Blowin' the Dam

Duke Nukem Forever Walkthrough Part 34 – Blowin' the Dam

Start swimming forward. Forward movement is going to be your life saver in general here. Stop over all air vents to keep up your air. Once you get through the first bit of grating, grab some air then make for the wheel and turn it to the left. With that follow the air vents up. Go through the opening and refresh. Now look down and slightly to your left. Head to that air vent. Keep following them and you will find where you need to plant the first bomb. Now head off the left, following the yellow piping. You will likely encounter an Octobrain who will attack you. Thankfully there is air nearby so it is a bit easier than it sounds. You will reach another valve which you want to open to the left again. There  another Octobrain will attack you.

After dispatching that one, look down and to the left again to spot the next air vent. Dive toward it. Again, keep following the yellow pipe to reach the next place to keep the air moving with you. Swim to the left of the yellow pipe to find the next valve. Again, a pair of Octobrains attack once you switch the air. Once again, keep following the piping to reach the next valve. At least you can see where you want to plant the explosives next now. Swim forward along the yellow pipe, grabbing what weapons you want and make for the grating. Plant the last explosive and its time for some fun, the boss kind.

Time to face down the Energy Leech. This would be a much easier fight on land honestly. Still, that's how it is. Grab one of the many RPGs strewn about and get it trained on its head. You will want to be moving constantly to avoid its attacks. At midpoint on its life it will start doing two things different. The first is it will use a series of smashes opposed to one. The second is when it starts trying to suck you in. In that case, throw a pipe bomb or fire off a RPG round to stop this and avoid lots of damage. Once its life bar flashes red, swim over to it to have Duke shove the explosive in its eye. This destroys the whole worm. Swim on forward, around the pieces of its corpse into the tunnel it came out of. Head down it then up when you reach the grate to progress to the second half of this stage.