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Alice The Madness Returns Walkthrough Part 17 – Rutledge Asylum and the Dollhouse

Alice The Madness Returns Walkthrough Part 17 – Rutledge Asylum and the Dollhouse

When Alice comes back to reality, she has been committed again. Head out the door then to the left down the corridor. Turn right at the end of the corridor and follow this one a while. You will find the Trepanning Room and see a scene. The world changes a bit after that and you must go through the one open door you see. Head forward and you will find the Bloodletting Room. The doors open for you. A quick scene then you have a door to head through again. Continue down the corridor and you will reach Ward One. Head through it and a door will open up. From there continue on to reach the Waiting Room. Numerous people have a lot to say to Alice then the scene ends and a door opens for you. Head on through and you will eventually emerge into the thick fog of London itself. With nothing more to guide you, head toward the lit lights. Follow along them and you will find a bisected child, they explain the situation in Wonderland. After that, you will see a house on fire in front of you. As your sole beacon all you can do is head toward and into it. This leads us back to Wonderland itself.

Welcome to the Dollhouse. Head forward and use the Steam Vent to reach the first platform. Jump to the left and head for the nearby house. On the bottom floor you will find a bottle sitting there for you. Head back to the start of the level and move forward normally. You will find a platform with a Pressure Plate on it nearby a rotating platform. Drop a Clockwork Bomb on it and you will see a nearby platform sink while another platform rises. Head for the one that just rose up and use the Steam Vent near it to reach it. Run across it and get into the house there.

Before you go into the house, head to the left of it. You will find a Bounce Mushroom. Take it up to find a memory. Drop down and head through the nearby keyhole. As you head through the keyhole, make the first right you can. Here you will find a pathway that must be navigated by invisible platforms that yields a bottle. Collect the bottle then pull the opposite lever. A section of floor drops away opening more to explore. Drop down and head around the wall. You will find a picnic basket. Collect it and exit to the left. A snout hovers none too far away from here so pepper it. It to raise a pair of platforms. Head across them and take the steam vent upwards and go through the doorway you see nearby. Turn left to find another lever. Pull it to have a panel in the floor open up for you to drop through and a keyhole at the bottom of it to be passed through. In this room, head a little forward then turn around to see a gingerbread man wall. Use the Teapot on it to blast it open. Pull the lever behind it and then pass through the newly moved keyhole. Loop around the wall behind you and smash the floor to clear the way down to the next level. Before you go too far, look to the right to find a breakable wall with a bottle behind it.

Here you are in for a fight against Drifting Ruins and a Menacing Ruin. After all that, there is a quick scene and a new enemy is introduced, Dollgirl. These are tricky to fight as they have three stages. First is to shatter the dress using the teapot or melee weapons. Second, target her arms or simply fight her using range and melee as appropriate. The third stage begins when the front of the doll shatters open. Target the heart with the Pepper Grinder to quickly take her down.

Head toward the entrance to Frog's Way but look to the right to spot a violet. Nearby is a “blocked” keyhole but if you use Shrink Sense you will find it is open and a memory rest inside it behind a breakable wall.

Head through ti Frog's Way, jumping the gap. Continue along the plankway and what looks like a dead-end has the wall sink down for you to pass over. Inside it, head to the left. Head to the open doorway and take the Steam Vent across the room. Pull the nearby lever to drop a wall to reveal a gap you need to jump. Take the next steam vent to arrive at the next platform. The moment you land a number of Drifting Ruins will attack you. Defeat them to have a steam vent rise up. Now before you take that steam vent you want to look to the left of it. There is another keyhole you can head through though it appears blocked. Another memory rest inside it.

Take the steam vent near the number three. Turn to the left as you rise and jump over to the nearby ledge. Head to the left and hop over to the outcropping through the door, with the number four on it. Step on the Pressure Plate to open a far away door. Drop a Clockwork Bomb on it and start toward the door. Cross the gap and use the Steam Vent to reach the higher ledge. Go through it, to the left and drop down. Climb up to the second part and use the Steam Vent to go higher. Turn to the right and go over to the doorway. You should see the number six. Time your jump well through this door to avoid the swinging decapitated doll. Head over to the lever under six and pull it. A Steam Vent appears, giving you access to another lever. GO over there and pull that one as well. It causes a platform to flip over behind you. Return and take the Bounce Mushroom up to get to the next Steam Vent. Once again you need to go across a gap and time it well to avoid the doll on the swing. Land and you have a number of Insidious Ruins and a Doll Girl to beat. Take out the Ruins first to make your life easier and then focus fire on the Doll Girl. Defeat them all to open up a wall with a Pressure Plate behind it. Stepping on the Pressure Plate raises several platforms and reveals a gauge as well that is behind you. Drop a Clockwork Bomb then turn around and pepper the gauge. Now drop a fresh Clockwork Bomb on the Pressure Plate and start up the revealed platforms. At the top you must cross the swing's path so keep on guard as you do. Head down the platforms, revealed by the gauge, and go through either door. Take the Bounce Mushroom up and pull the nearby lever. It rotates part of the room and opens up a new way. Head through the door and look to the left. Use Shrink Sense and you will find a series of invisible platforms. Take them up and smash through the breakable wall to the right of the Pressure Plate. Behind this you will find a Bottle for Alice. Now return to the Pressure Plate and drop a Clockwork Bomb on it. Run into the room that lowered and climb the block inside. At the back of the room is a breakable wall that you must quickly smash. Cross the gap and you are in for another fight. This one has a Doll Girl, Menacing and  some Drifting Ruins all against you.

Defeat them and then go up the changed nearby house. Jump from the upper ledge to safely reach the Steam Vent and take it up. Pull the nearby lever to open up a new hole in the ceiling below. Drop down the nearby holes and use the Bounce Mushroom at the bottom to ride up. Jump into the doorway and then smash the nearby wall.

Through there you have a challenging jumping challenge ahead of you. Get past the first swing and hold on the steam vent. Jump again carefully to reach the patchwork platform with the Pressure Plate. This raises up a platform to make the next section a bit easier if timed right. Unfortunately some Drifting Ruins will also appear but you should ignore them and just focus on getting through the next steam vents so you can reach the ledge with the lever. A distant house will open up as well as a Bounce mushroom will appear. Head through the nearby doorway and take the green slide down. You can hear a snout around here that takes a moment to find. Take the mushrrom up then look down using Shrink Sense. Below you is a pair of invisible platforms. Drop down onto number one then turn around and jump forward. You will see the Snout clearly in the upper left. Pepper it to blow down a wall and get a picnic basket. Head back up using the steam vent and mushroom then cross the gap.

In this part, climb into the main room with the puzzle pieces above you. Once you reach the puzzle the house closes up and the pieces sink into the board. Time to drop down a level and head into the door on the left. Jump onto the desk and drop a Clockwork Bomb on it as there is a Pressure Plate on it. Run through the door that opens and head left. Take a mushroom up to find the first of the puzzle pieces. Move quickly forward and use Shrink Sense to reveal an invisible path to the other side of the room. Dash across and through the door, if there is still time on the Clockwork Bomb, to find another of the puzzle pieces. Drop down and exit this room and go into the next to the left. You have a number of Slithering Ruins and a Menacing Ruin to fight you at the bottom of the stairs. Kill them but look to the right, under the staircase. You will see a violet and a keyhole. Head through the pair of keyholes to find another puzzle piece. Return to the main room and smash through the crystallized ruin at the far end of it. You will find a puzzle piece to the right. Time to put it all together in twenty four moves or less.

1) BC
2) M
3) TC
4) TR
5) MR
6) C
7) BC
8) BL
9) CL
10) M
11) BC
12) BR

Get through that and the wall opens up. A new enemy is revealed now, Flying Babies. Use the Umbrella against them to make it a simple one hit kill with their own vomit. Now jump over to the first steam vent and move on through. Timing is against important because of the swinging dolls. Make your way over to the number eight and the lever. Pull it and a platform with a Bounce Mushroom will appear as well as more Flying babies.

Once again it is time to cross using a steam vent. This has some tricky timing where you want to start advancing when the baby is just starting to pass you. You will also want to drop a bit before floating to above the swing to begin with. When you do make it to the other side, before you take the immediately visible mushroom you will want to move forward into the nearby house. There is a grassy patch that will spawn a Bounce Mushroom. Take it up to collect a memory. Head onto the open platform and look down and to the right to find a Snout. Pepper it to open the path back to the main room. Still, there is a bit more to see in this area. Turn to the left and look around using Shrink Sense to find a series of platforms to cross over the large gap above you. On the other side you will find a jack in the box. Walk up to it to set into a doll head mini-game. This is followed by a slide and into a different area. When you get there you need to fight a Flying Baby and an Insidious Ruin. Head up the stairs and you will see a snout just before you make a turn. Pepper it to open up a wall hiding a memory. Collect the memory then head back to the platform you jumped from. Cross over to the next in the Spike Room. This is hard in its own right as you need to float over the spikes and pass through a doorway that is behind the lower wall. This is apparently easiest to do from the platform you enter in on, simply drop down, start hovering and potentially dodge to finish it out. This next part involves numerous crushing ceilings. Head forward to the candle and head to the left. Time your movements. Head through and smash through the gray, breakable wall to find a pressure plate. Drop a Clockwork Bomb on it and dash to the right and Shrink down to get under the slightly raised spikes. Smash the floor at the end of them and drop through the hole. The next crushing has a different pattern: first they will catch as they drop, leaving a small gap then they will come all the way down. Pass under them when they have just crashed all the way down. Now you will need to likely fight one Insidious Ruin. After that, it's just two
Pressure Plates to deal with. Drop a Clockwork Bomb on the right one then run over to the left and stand on it a moment. This will raise the nearby spikes and open a door at the far end of a short corridor. Get over there quickly and get to the lever behind the lowering glass. Pull it to open a door way down the corridor from you and you just came from there! Head back into the room with the newly opened door. Before you go too far into it, turn right and loop back down a new corridor to find some teeth and a bottle. Collect all of that then head through the door that opened. Hop onto the platform in front of you to the right and quickly drop a Clockwork Bomb on it then get off it! Now head to the open area to the left and use Shrink Sense to unveil a number of invisible platforms. Go farther right and go down the floating platforms to the lower part of the pair of scale platforms. Drop a Clockwork Bomb on it and quickly ascend along the platforms you came down and use the Steam Vent to reach the top of the raised end of the Scale platforms. Explore the area to find a memory a few other goodies. Now reset things so you have a raised platform by where you are (on the high ledge). Drop another Clockwork Bomb on the raised end and hop back onto the ledge and look around using Shrink Sense to find an invisible outcropping. Wait for the lower platform to raise up then jump onto it and over to the next ledge to the left. Head through and a door closes behind you. Use Shrink Sense and look around this room to see all of the invisible paths. Make your way over to the right and you will find a gauge. Pepper it to reveal a new invisible platform. Now make it for using the other invisible platforms and into this new room.

In here step onto the nearby Pressure Plate. Drop a Clockwork Bomb on it and you will need to run to the other end of the room. Make haste over the retracted spikes then quickly aim and fire at the raised Gauge. This will raise a number of platforms and stop the spikes from killing you. Cross over the gap and then go up using the Steam Vent. If you need more teeth, use the Teapot and smash the breakable wall that is nearby. After that, drop a Clockwork Bomb on the Pressure Plate nearby the Steam Vent. Jump the nearby gap to where the spikes retracted and go to the far side and pepper the gauge. This opens two new doors. Drop down and follow through them. After you pass through the first door, look to the left and drop another Clockwork Bomb on this Pressure Plate. Run over to the second door that opened and quickly cross the platforms to the Steam Vent before the spikes re-emerge. At best you just have enough time.

Head to the next landing with the violet on it. Look to the left with Shrink Sense and you will see some invisible platforms. Use them to cross over the gap. You will encounter a number of Slithering Ruins but there are also many breakable walls around here. The first one to the left is particularly interesting as it has a bottle behind it. Jump the nearby gap and be ready for some dodging now. You need to make it past three crushing ceilings. Head down the corridor and you will have to fight a number of Insidious Ruins and a Baby Doll. When you beat them two bits of ruin will crystallize. Go to the farther one and smash it. Shrink down and go through the revealed keyhole. If you take the first right a Radula Room is awaiting you while straight ahead is another memory. Inside the Radula Room you will fight a number of Ice Snarks and Card Guards, one of which is Armored. Defeat them all to receive some Rose Paint.

Collect everything in there then return to the first bit of crystallized ruin. Smash through it and drop down onto the clear platform below. You have some tricky parts coming up but first you need to find number one. Head forward and to the right to find it. Keep moving forward, past the doll heads, to find a memory tucked away in a corner. Return and pull the lever to open the doors to the Shrink Maze below you. Head back and to the left to the opening under number two and shrink through it. Head to the left from the entrance of this simple but deadly maze. Grab the bottle that is in the top right corner then make your way up and to the left. Move over to the mobile platforms and cross the spikes. You want to head over to the number three part. Shrink down and go through the keyhole to find a Pressure Plate to your immediate right. Drop a Clockwork Bomb on it and run back to the moving platforms. Turn to the left and you will see the gauge that was raised. Pepper it to open a door to the right so you can proceed past number four. Just as you pass through look ahead to see another gauge. Pepper it to lower another door, making it possible to get to the number five. Return to the moving platforms and cross where the door was just lowered and move carefully past the spikes. You will find a keyhole just under the number five. Pull the lever on the other side to open the big door under the three sixes. Head through there and step onto the Launch Mushroom.

Take the slide down. As always there is no proper route through it all. Just be ready. At the end of it you need to make a long jump and takes fairly good timing. Land it and move forward. You will have some Flying Babies to deal with but nothing too hard. You will find another set of Scale Platforms in this area. Drop a Clockwork Bomb on the closest one and jump over to the nearby Steam Vents. Use them to cross over to the raised end of the platform and the landing to the left of it. Pull the lever you find there to raise a section of wall a bit farther on. Head back to the Scale Platform before it starts to lower and drop a Clockwork Bomb on it. Now quickly jump from here over to the first part of the Scale Platform. Land on it a hop to let it keep rising When it crests jump over to the nearby landing. Head forward to the left. Drop down to the lower platform with the violet on it and use Shrink Sense to find an invisible pathway. Take it to the left and you will find a Snout on the far wall. Pepper it to reveal a bottle nearby. Take the Steam Vent up once you grab the bottle and land on the Scale Platform. Quickly drop a Clockwork Bomb on it and go for the nearest ledge to you with the violet. Run forward then to the left. Now quickly use Shrink Sense to find the invisible path you need. Take it all the way up and detonate the Clockwork Bomb. Jump onto the Scale Platform when its in reach then use it to jump across the gap over to the next ledge with spikes.

This part is pure timing. You need to dodge numerous death traps and move forward. One ceiling and at least four wall panels will be slamming at you. Dodge past the ceiling trap as it retracts and the first pair of wall traps close. As they open run into the gap. Now as the second wall trap retracts dodge into its area quickly then once more to reach a place of haven. Now you have a second set of traps to get through. The edge traps drop first, retract then the middle one drops. Use the down time to make your way safely through this set of traps. Head forward and smash the wall to your left. The next pair of traps are very easy to jump past so cross the gap and go right. Time your jump so you land on the next trap while its extended to make the jump. Repeat with the next trap, heading to the left for the Steam Vent. Smash the wall nearby where you land to reveal a Pressure Plate. Step on it to bring out a platform on the far end of the room. Drop a Clockwork Bomb on the Pressure Plate and jump over to the revealed platform. Jump from it the Steam Vent and use the height of that to clear the nearby spikes and land safely. Once again you must cross use the traps themselves. Both have deadly hazards at their bases so jump before it can impale you on the far one. Head up the stairs and jump over the scissors and gap to the breakable wall. Smash through it and go right. You can also kill the Slithering Ruins if you want to but its more optional.

This next part, past the Slithering Ruins, can be tricky as the ceiling will be falling down on you. Head over to the left, past the first hole then move into the center. Go to the right after that then all the way to the left as you move forward. Jump the short gap to the stairs and head through the door at the top of them. Here you will need to face Drifting and Insidious Ruins on top of a Baby Doll with some Flying Babies. Defeat all of them then investiage things along the left edge. You will find a ledge below the one you are on so drop down to it. Not too far away is a keyhole containing a memory. Collect it then use the stairs and the platform behind you to return to where you just had that fight. Pull the now accessible lever to summon an elevator which takes you into small house.

Follow that path inside it upwards. As you move forward look for a mirror that has “Save Us” on it. There is a keyhole nearby and inside it you will find a bottle. Now move onto the nearby moving platforms. Cross over to the child's head and go through it. Take the blue eye platforms to the wooden landing. Look around quickly using Shrink Sense to find some invisible platforms. Take them across to find another Radula Room. In here you are in a timed battle with the Executioner and numerous Samurai and Ink Wasps. Take out the Wasps so you can focus more on dodging the Executioner. The Wasp will spawn infinitely but it is easy enough to just dodge around and avoid them. Collect the Rose paint to return to the normal level. Now drop a Clockwork Bomb on the nearby Pressure Plate and take the resulting Steam Vent up to the moved Child's Head. Go through it and hop over to the patchwork platform.

A Colossal Ruin will appear to challenge you when you land. It will have some aid from Slithering Ruins as well, but they are negligible. Defeat the Colossal Ruin and head to the far end of the platform. There is some crystallized ruin there so smash it to reveal a Pressure Plate. Drop a Clockwork Bomb on it and cross the gap in front of you using the moving platforms. Time your exit from the head so a Swing will not kill you. Step onto the next Pressure Plate and let the first Clockwork Bomb run out. Jump back into the doll head and cross through, staying inside until it aligns with the second doll's head. Move across the platforms quickly to avoid dying from the swing here. Cross through it and jump the gap to the next ledge. Take the slide down and drop to return to the Fort Resistance. Head inside if you need some teeth. Regardless as you cross some Flying Babies will attack. This time head to the right of the fort.

Head forward into the open gates ahead. The walls close behind you and you need to face down a Baby Doll as well as some Menacing Ruins above you. Keep more toward where you came in to avoid some of the Menacing Ruins attacks. After you beat the Baby Doll head for the stack of blocks to the left and climb up using them. Defeat the closest Menacing Ruin then use the Grinder and Teapot to take out the second one easily. Cross over to the other side of the room then head for the left corner. You will find a lever to pull. It reveals a block staircase going up. Take it and go left, into the door behind the bed. Smash the sweets at the opposite end of the corridor to reveal a keyhole with another memory inside it. After that, return to the bedroom and walk over to the piano inside it. Again it is time for a musical challenge. Three measures is all you have to play. Alice has a quick comment after it then the wall drops down, revealing a train stop. Head for it.

As you pass the stop make a quick trip to the right where you see the violet. Use Shrink Sense to reveal platforms that lead to another Radula Room. Inside here you are a dollhead again. Much more rest on timing this round so move carefully whenever you notice platforms.

Return to the train station and go left. Inside here you will find another area you need to navigate as a doll head. Only after three areas as a doll head do you return to Alice. Thankfully you have a slide in front of you so nothing terribly threatening. It is when you land you have to worry as you have a Menacing Ruin flanking with Baby Dolls. The Ruin is not so hard but the two Dolls are. Defeat one and a number of Flying Babies appear to join the party. Only when you have beaten them all do you get to move on. Two Bounce Mushrooms appear that let you go higher and deeper into the area. Smash through the wall and you will see a Liddell Door waiting for you. This scene has a revelation inside it.

Head on forward, the end of the stage is near. Exit from the initial corridor, just before the stairs, and look to the left. There is a memory sitting right there. Head up the stairs and ride the Steam Vent to the next platform. Head into the house and down the stairs. Inside you have to face down a number of Insidious and Drifting Ruins. Head along the path in front of you as you fight through the ruins. When you reach the large gap, hop over it then jump over to the left. There you will find a keyhole and through it a memory. Now hop back to the right and go up the stairs. Climb to the top and something is waiting for you there … only for you to awaken back in London where the whole game started.