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Alice The Madness Returns Walkthrough Part 19 – The Infernal Train

Alice The Madness Returns Walkthrough Part 19 – The Infernal Train

Welcome to the last part of the game. Everything starts here where the game began, at Brumby's place. Head down the road and go left into where you see the smoke pluming out of a tunnel. Keep going down and Alice confronts Brumby. We snap back to Wonderland and are on board the train that has been demolishing it. Head across it and into the one open door in the cathedral style wall. You encounter two old friends then you can move forward. Just keep going forward between the scenes.

When you cross into the engine room is when the final fight begins. He tears away the metal and sends one his hands at you. You must do a lot of dodging and wait until the hand jumps on one of the pilliars. It will unleash a few bouts of fire then the Ruin will fall away from the Doll Face on it. While it is like this you can hurt it. During this phase of the fight it will also spawn Insidious Ruins periodically. Keep on guard and take them down if you are taking damage. The hand's other attacks are the basic slam attack as well as grinding its nails along the ground to chase after Alice. After the slam attack the Doll Head will also be open to attack. After a good bit of damage Alice will defeat the hand as the Doll Head shatters.

The other hand comes out now. It has a few new tricks: an airborne slap attack you must dodge, a wave attack where it shakes it finger at you, draws a line and launches it at you, the usual running attack, . The wave attack either be jumped over or blocked with the Umbrella. Most of the others are fairly easy to dodge. Unfortunately, in addition to the usual Insidious Ruins Alice will face some Menacing Ruins as well. Defeat it quickly and focus on the hand, you have almost taken it down.

Both hands come back for an encore attack when you have taken them both down. They have at least one new attack where they will try to grab you then inflict some damage. After a few attacks the Doll Master will lull forward and his tongue will come out. Quickly approach and attack it. It will be backed up by Drifting Ruins quickly so be wary of the whole situation. Land a few good hits then he will pull it back into his mouth. The Drifting Ruins will start attacking you as well as the Doll Master will start spitting Ruin at you as well. Destory the heads on his tongue to end the fight.

Head up the stairs and go to the right. The Chesire Cat has the final words for the game and they are well said.