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Deus Ex: Human Revolution Walkthrough Part 1 – Sarif Industries: Introduction

 cDeus Ex: Human Revolution Walkthrough Part 1 – Sarif Industries: Introduction

Welcome to the world of 2027. As Jensen, first look to the desk to the right of Megan. Look at the ebook on the couch, Newspaper and photograph on desk, book and car on the nearby filing cabinet to the right and read all the e-mails on the PC. This gives you a quick achievement. Now head over to Megan and follow her forward. It's a long cinematic but it is good for establishing some relationships between the characters.

When you regain control at the end of it, things are starting to go wrong. Head to the left and input the code “0451” into the elevator to open it. Look left and hit the button. Ride the elevator down and make your way forward to the left. Take the first left and head down the corridor. Keep moving down it and look for the flaming door way which is to the left of the scientist that are attacked. Head into this office and you will see a pair of black crates to the left. Grab the top one and move it to get at the grate behind it. Raise the grate and duck into the vent.

Head through and keep to the left. Go down the corridor and open the door. Feel free to drag the nearby box in with you to make it easier to have some cover. Keep to the crates and boxes. You may notice a Scientist go over the rail. Shortly after two guards will appear. Done right you can take them out quietly, sneak by them by waiting at the bottom of the stairs or simply start shooting. Head up the stairs and through the door. After you round the next corner (near the fallen scientists) jump the crates and head to the left. Duck as you open the next door and break to the left. You can see some canisters on the ground to the left of the guards. Once they finish talking shoot the canisters to unleash some gas that will knock them out. Keep along the right-hand side of the room and move forward. Open the door and go right.

Keep moving forward and you will see a security officer get gunned down as a blast door closes partly. Simply duck under it and keep moving forward. There is nothing you can really do here nor can you kill the ones responsible right now. You will see a Scientist get attacked on the other side of the opposite door as he opens the door for you. Jump over the railing and take cover to the left. You can slip through the room without engaging the guards easily with this approach but you can also make it through guns blazing just as easy. Head through the open door.

Run down the corridor and you will encounter into a cinematic. When it is over, so is the introduction.