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Deus Ex: Human Revolution Walkthrough Part 2 – Sarif Manufacturing Plant

Deus Ex: Human Revolution Walkthrough Part 2 – Sarif Manufacturing Plant

This is an important note: You have 15 minutes to finish everything here. If you take longer than that a side mission to rescue the Sarif Empolyees will be lost.

Jensen needs to get up to the next floor to see Pritchard as his retinal interface is acting weird. Head across the lobby and up the stairs. Head to the right and go to into far back office on the left. Here you are giving some choices. To get the most story choose Confront twice. Look to the right of him to find an eBook that you can quickly grab and skim it.

Once everything is good with his eyes, head to the right and go into the double doors at the far end of the level to reach the Cafeteria. Turn to the left then right and through the doors to reach the Helipad. Handle your pilot as you would like. Now we are off to the plant and its missions.

Sarif Plant Rescue/Secure Sarif Manufacturing Plant
Shipping and Receiving
Once you drop down to ground level, after you descend the two ladders, quickly takedown out the first you encounter. Now crouch and move forward. You can also try to break into the nearby door if you want to grab some stun gun ammo. Look around the corner and you will note three guards, one stationary with two mobile ones. The first mobile stands nearby the door you want to get to while the other patrols the yard but takes a long route. Wait for the guard nearby the door to move then quickly deal with the one closest to you. It helps to move forward to behind the crates nearest him. Drop the body behind the crates and take up cover behind the crates you just used to hide the body. Take cover behind the crates to the right. Move around them to the right and hide behind the truck you see there. When the guard returns, wait for him to face away then deal with him quickly. This gives you a lot of leeway to take out the final guard easily.

For a little extra experience, head back to the area where you took down the guard and look for the forklift that has a crate on it. Grab it and move it over to the nearby containers. Jump up onto it, ascend the ramps and take the ladder up. Head to the left and through the opening in the fence. You will see and electrified floor in front of you but there is another movable crate to your right. Shift it to the left and crouch to pass through the small passage. Hit the nearby breaker box to turn off the electrical flooring. Head forward and duck under the pipe ahead of you and keep going forward, turning to the right when you can. This leads a vent that lets you inside the factory.

Shipping and Receiving Warehouse
If you went through the door, be sure to grab the concussive grenade that is sitting on the boxes. There are a total of five guards in this area that will respond to shots fired so be ready if you like to make noise. The loud approach has two or three guards coming at you at this point. When they are clustered together throw the concussive grenade and quickly take them out. The fourth guard in this room like to hide more in the back behind some shelves and shoot at you. Move carefully then take him out as well.

The quiet approach through the door goes more like this. Take down the closest guard first and hide his body to the right behind the Sarif boxes. You can also just moving along the edge of the broken window, pop up quickly, then duck back down to lure him to you. Go forward and duck behind the boxes to the right. There is one stationary guard on the same side as you and one mobile to the left. Move along the boxes to the right to creep up behind the guard. Wait for the others to be looking else where then take him down and drag the body out of sight. Get back behind the boxes and wait for his mobile friend to start heading away from you. Pop him one quickly then move toward him, favoring the boxes to keep in cover. Likely you will notice his nearby friend who does not seem to notice much. Sneak up behind him for a quick takedown. Turn around and head into the shelving. You will see the next guard digging through another box rather oblivious to things around him. Sneak up behind him and take him down when your energy has recharged.

If you went through the vent drop down onto the boxes below. Drop onto the floor below and look back at the boxes to spot some tranquilizer darts. Grab them if desired then head down the nearby ladder to get into the office below. Hide under the window and look out. You can see a guard patrolling near you. Grab a nearby cardboard box and get near the door. Wait for him to be at the point closest to you then throw the cardboard box to get him to enter into the room and take him out. After this, look to your left and check out the computer quickly for some e-mails. Look to the left of it, on the desk, to find another ebook. On the nearby stand you will find find a newspaper you can read over quickly too. Now head out of the office and duck behind the nearby boxes. There is only one more patrolling guard in this area while two others dig through boxes. Move south along the boxes and take out the remaining mobile guard then sneak up on the two digging through the boxes if you would like.

Regardless, now go up the stairs and through the nearby door. Move up to the corner and look around it to see three more guards. You can either just take them out or, for the quiet approach, wait for them to split off. One heads toward you while one goes into the locker room while the last one goes into the cafeteria. Wait for the one nearest to turn around then take him down. Head down the corridor a little and you can either quick into the locker room or the cafeteria to take down the remaining guards. For the Cafeteria, simply get into there quietly. The guard is looking out the window expecting someone to come through the other door. Easy takedown for you. For the locker room guard, while he is looking away duck in and hide behind the lockers nearby the door. When he is close wait for him to turn around then use a takedown on him. Inside the locker room, explore the lockers to find a variety of ammo, credits and some beer. Head through opposite door and down the corridor to the right to find a security panel that needs some attention. Time for your first hacking attempt. Save just in case you have been enjoying a nice quiet trip through the factory. First attempt to capture the node to the left of the starting point. This likely will get you detected but it is easy to handle the next part. Quickly attempt to capture the node above the starting one to take control of the registry. Open the door and head through the  Decontamination Room  to reach the Assembly Line.

Assembly Line
About half way through the first mission in this factory now. Head into the Assembly lines and while the guard to finish their conversation (or do not as kill them all) head down the stairs on the right and duck behind the crates there. Once they break off for their patrols it is all about timing to bring them down while their comrades are looking away. Careful shots are great here, especially the silent variety for some nice takedowns while the guards are passing nearby the desk. Careful timing moving through the desks also makes for some easy work of them. The guard circling inside the work stations has a pocket secretary on him with the disarm code for the bomb threatening the hostages. Once you have dealt with the guards look around the area and go into storage room 01. Take down the lone guard for a little more experience. Now head for the opposite side of the room and head for the vent that is to the right of the stairs. Before you climb the ladder, look to the left of it to find a credit chip. Head up and through the vent at the top of the ladder. Cross over using the venting to reach the next vent cover and head through there to reach the hostages. By coming in this way you do not arm the bomb. If you want you can save and hack the bomb for a little more experience or simply use the code, 1505, to disable it. Turn around and talk quickly with Greg Thorpe to get a new secondary objective to rescue his wife. Say whatever you feel like to him. Head out of the room and go back toward the left-hand stair case but this time go through the nearby door.

In here is your first encounter with security cameras. Head straight down the corridor and hide behind the farthest crate. Wait for the guard to pass by then take him out and drag him back into the corridor you started in to avoid the body being spotted by a camera. If you are looking for a fight then just leave the body where is it and the remaining guards will come out of the meeting room and attack you. However you deal with them, head into the meeting room to get some more ammo and supplies. If you took the quiet approach the two guards will be stationed at opposite ends of the meeting room. Take them down however you like. Be sure to loot the bodies to get a handy tip on where to get some weapons. Examine the bookshelves to find an ebook as well. Head down the corridor without cameras and on the left you will find a security panel to hack to open the nearby door. Head through to another Decontamination Chamber that leads to Assembly Line 2 and the Server Room.

Assembly Line 2
Crouch as you enter the room for a quieter approach. Otherwise, work carefully to gun them all down without getting flanked. Head under the stairs to the left while the two closest guards are talking to get over to the stack of crates. Quietly move them to find a vent entrance behind them. Slip through but hold before you open the exit grating. When the guard beyond it is turning around then open it and come up behind him to take him out quickly. Now open the door to the right. Go up against the wall and wait for a guard to come nearby. Take him down then go up against the work station. Wait for the guard in the middle to turn his back at the central work bench to take him down then proceed on to the last one as you see fit. Once you deal with all of them head into Storage Room 03. Inside you will find one more guard, some revolver ammo and a damage upgrade kit inside the crate the Purity First member was digging around in. Head to the right and through the door to reach the Factoring Labs.

Factoring Labs
Head forward and grab the glowing Praxis Kit. If inclined toward stealth, then head through the vent that is hidden behind a crate to the right. Otherwise spend the Praxis Point on the Turret Domination Augmentation then make your way into the security room further down the corridor. Hack into computer or look for the Notepad just in front of the door that has the password “windmill” on it to just hop in. On the opposite side, under a box, you will find an eBook that will give you experience. Disable the turret and the camera. Now start down the corridor but moving carefully looking down to disable the concussive mine they have have on the floor none too far from where the camera is. Head into the security room to encounter a scene. Explore the room to find some computer viruses and ammo. Collect what you want then head out the other door, down the corridor then up in the elevator.

Admin Buildings
The Alarm triggers because the Police and the Purity First have begun fighting on the main floor below. Crouch as you reach the top of the stairs to avoid getting spotted by the guards farther down the corridor. Sneak up behind them (or just shoot them) and take them down one at a time. Advance and keep an eye out for Meeting Room 02 for some revolver ammo and Meeting Room 01 to get some beer and a handy password for one the computers below, “ovid”. Now slip down the stairs to the area below. Take out the closest guard quietly when he moves over into the recess under the floor above. Check him for another pocket secretary with the password for mlatona “redwings”. When you deal with the two roving guards, be sure to check them too for user names and passwords like tcaldwell “talon” and gthorpe “hydro”. Hack if you want some quick experience but otherwise head up the stairs on the opposite side to reach the fourth floor of the Admin Building. Now, before you go through the Double Doors, look at the desk to find another Hugh Darrow's eBook. Read it then open up the doors to face off against Zeke.

Zeke Sanders
This encounter can go one of three ways: Fighting Zeke, Let Zeke Go or Try To Free Josie.

Fighting Zeke
Perhaps the hardest if you want to try and rescue all the hostages and the least recommended option. You need to quickly shoot Zeke as he is drawing his gun to shoot Josie. If you do not care just line up a nice head shot and get Zeke while he's focused on Josie.

Let Zeke Go
Again, you will fail the secondary objective if you take this option as Zeke uses Josie as a human shield to get through the police barricade. Good news is he is alive so he can help out later

Try To Free Josie
This enters into dialogue with Zeke, giving you a chance to persuade him. This breaks down to three choices:
1) Empathize
2) Empathize
3) Reason

This way you can save Josie and Zeke easily. Be sure to stop and talk with Josie and Greg in your way out to ensure rewards later. You will find Josie in the same room and Greg outside surrounded by Police since he wants to see his wife. After that, head up and talk to Malik to fly on back to Sarif.