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Destiny guide: how to access The Dark Below quests and content


Destiny guide: how to access The Dark Below content

Destiny: The Dark Below isn’t structured like the main game’s content. To kick things off, open your navigator and watch the opening cinematic indicated by the roman numeral one in green above the Earth.

Now that you’ve been briefed, head to the Tower. Be sure to check your mailbox, where a thank you present for buying the expansion awaits you, and then the vendors, all of whom are offering new gear for those with the cash to spare.

Now it’s time to get to the meat and potatoes. Look for the new vendor near the passage to the Speaker.

eris location destiny

All the new missions are accessed by speaking with Eris and accepting quests – a new kind of bounty. These bounties are stored in your inventory as usual, so make sure you have some space available.

Eris will offer one quest at a time, and you’ll need to complete one to access the next. As well as the quest bounty, marked with a purple icon, you can purchase additional bounties which increase your standing with Eris.

As a vendor, Eris has a lot to offer – cool new gear and Radiant materials for upgrading your Crota’s End loot drops, so grab a few bounties if you like.

Once you have a quest and any bounties desired, return to orbit and open the navigator. Look for the blue exclamation icon indicating a new story quest – or just browse the destinations till you see a purple quest marker you haven’t completed yet.

Turn the difficulty up, Guardians; be brave.

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