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Alice The Madness Returns Walkthrough Part 16 – Queensland part 2

Alice The Madness Returns Walkthrough Part 16 – Queensland part 2

Wherever you are, head back a bit. You will find a bottle waiting for you there. Head forward but take the path to the right to find a pressure plate. Step on it to raise up a gauge then drop a Clockwork Bomb on it. Now jump over to the nearest platform and quickly take aim at the gauge. When activated it will raise up a pair of platforms you can use to reach a breakable wall you must shoot with the teapot. Jump on through.

In here you must cross the gap using the two Bounce Mushrooms that will appear as you jump toward the platforms. From there you will see a pressure plate you need to come back to shortly. Go forward to the next part of the platform. You will see a section of wall you can destroy with the Teapot. Blow it open then head back to the pressure plate and stand on it. A gauge will appear in the hole you made, pepper it and then take the resulting platform across the gap.

Head on through until you encounter the Insidious Ruins. Defeat them and its time for a quick detour for a memory. Look to the right, there is an opening in the wall that has a steam vent beyond it. Head toward this opening. Use Shrink Sense and you will see a moving invisible platform on the far side of it. Now head forward toward the violet. Use Shrink Sense again to see the platforms you need to navigate to reach the memory. Time your movements and this not very hard to do and very possible to do while shrunken.

Return to the first area and head over to the ledge part of it that has a steam vent beyond it. From the steam vent you must navigate a short series of platforms with Bounce Mushrooms. Try to land on the higher ledge. From there so careful jumping will lead to the next ledge that has a bottle on it. Drop down and look for the dark heart this on the wall. Use Shrink Sense and you will find a keyhole in it that you can pass through. This short path has one left branch in it, take it then go to the right to find another memory. Now head on through this passageway into the main area and forward to progress on.

Head over to the right and look to see a distant statue with a chain in it. Use Shrink Sense and you will see invisible platforms leading over to it. Jump to them carefully and pull the chain. This will cause a pair of scale platforms to appear. This is something of a tricky thing to do here. You need to start the closest scale tilting down with a Clockwork Bomb to hold it then rush over to the second scale platform and quickly jump from it to the solid platform just above it. Look around on this platform with Shrink Sense and you will see a number more invisible platforms. Go for the closest one that is at your level. Hop from it over to the next part of this with the invisible platforms and the Heart Scale Platforms. Head over to the far Scale Platform and drop a Clockwork Bomb on it. Now head back and use the raised platform to reach the next higher invisible platform to reach the bottle above. Now, on your return, use that same platform to raise the far one with a Clockwork Bomb to move on forward.

In this section, you need to first go forward and plant a Clockwork Bomb on the Pressure Plate in front of you. Now turn to the left and use Shrink Sense to navigate the nearby invisible platform. Quickly fire off a Teapot round to clear away the breakable wall from the gauge then pepper it. This raises a platform a ways away that will be very helpful soon. Now head straight from the end of the invisible platform to the steam vent and ride it up. Run along this and cross the gap using the platform you raised. When you get to the next large platform you have a number of Card Guards and a Menacing Ruin to kill. Executioner looks on so be wary of him as well. Defeat all the enemies to be once again sucked into a hole by the Executioner.

Run and dodge forward and you will shortly fall down a hole in front of you. When you land you can get some advice from the Chesire Cat. Head forward to be faced with another chess piece puzzle. This one is more complex:
1) Forward
2) Left
3) Right
4) Up 3 times
5) Left 2 times
6) Up
7) Right

Head forward after you complete this puzzle. Now head to the right first and use Shrink Sense to find a keyhole in which you will find a bottle. Second go to the left to face two more Card Guards. Here, if you move forward and look carefully to the left you will spot a Radula Room after a pair of steam vents. Ride them over and enter into another survival Radula. This time it is against some Daiymo Samurai Wasps and Drowned Sailors.  You simply need to either kill them all or wait out the invisible timer.

After that return to where you started from and head toward the closest door way. As you do, look to the left to find a breakable wall. Inside it rest a number of teeth. Now head through the doorway and down the stairs. You need to use some scale platforms to reach the far side. Land on the first and drop a Clockwork Bomb on it. Quickly jump across the other two platforms to reach the far Scale Platform, Jump from it quickly to the next. You will have to face a number of Insidious, Drifting Ruins and an Armored Card Guard. Defeat them then look at the closest wall nearby the violet. You will see a snout. Pepper it to reveal a new platform on which a picnic basket appears. You can also find an invisible moving platform by this flower as well. Ride it over smash the wall with a shot from the Teapot to find a bottle beyond it through the keyhole.  Now head to collect that picnic basket. After that, hop onto the nearby Scale Platform and drop a Clockwork Bomb on it. Dash toward the other part of the Scale Platform and drop down the hole in the center of this platform. A Bounce Mushroom will appear and you can easily use its boost to reach the raised platform. Now head along here to the lever and pull it to open the high gate you saw when you came in. Now drop down onto the side of the Scale platform you just used to get up here and once again drop a Clockwork Bomb then use the Bounce Mushroom below to reach the raised platform. From there it is easy to reach the newly opened gate. Head on through.

Just head down the corridor and you will get some advice from the Chesire Cat. Head into the room in front of you to deal with the next Chess piece puzzle and the final one!

For this chess piece puzzle you will need to move thus:
1) Up
2) Left
3) Right
4) Up 2 times
5) Left
6) Right
7) Up 2 times
8) Left

The far door opens and you want to head through it. Head forward and you will find the door to the Liddell house again. Go over to it and head in for another scene from Alice's past.

Through it we find Alice in an ante chamber. Head up the stairs and to the left. At the far end of the platform look to the right carefully to spot a flying snout. Pepper it to reveal a picnic basket. Now just head forward to have a chance to encounter the Chesire Cat. Opposite him you will need to use Shrink Sense to find a large number of invisible platforms. Jump across them carefully, walking where you can. On the platform numbered 3, look ahead (or right) to find a breakable wall concealing a bottle. Drop down from the platform numbered 5 to reach the next segment of this area. Here you will need to fight more Card Guards, both Armored and not, in addition to a Menacing Ruin. After the battle is over, smash through the Ruin Barrier encased Pagoda to find a memory inside it. Head forward from there and go to where the tentacles retreated from. Take the Bounce Mushroom upwards and then turn around and use Shrink Sense to find a pair of invisible platforms to get some extra teeth. Otherwise simply head forward and go to the left. In front of you is a garden maze.

If to immediately head right, smash through the floor and go through the keyhole you will find a bottle waiting for you. Return and head forward (or simply to the left). Keep going to the left and only take a right after you have cleared a gap via ledges. Here you will need to find some Card Guards and Drifting Ruins. After you kill a few Card Guards an Armored Card Guard will appear. Defeat them all the red tentacles will disappear. Head through the new opening and start running! The Executioner will appear and chase you. At the end of this chase however you will find a cake that says “Eat Me”. Do so and you can get some revenge on that Executioner!

As Giant Alice, head forward toward the chess pieces. Smash them for teeth then head to the right, smashing through the nearby wall. Huge waves of Card Guards will attack you but if you use the Stomp attack they will go down quickly. After a number of them have died a red tentacle wall will die off, head over and smash through it. Smash through the next next few dried up tentacle walls as well. Head forward and follow the waves of enemies to find your path. Smash through the smaller Tentacle wall to the right then rip out the nearby single tentacle to clear the path to the tower. Smash it down to expose one of the Queen's Hearts. Stomp it and head for the now dead large tentacle wall.

Head up the slope, smashing what you will and the dried wall at the top of it as well as the ones beyond the chess board to the right. The next flat area has three Card Guard spawning fields. Slaughter the Guards and smash the red patches to stop them from continuing to spawn. After that, rip out the one tentacle closest to you to access the nearby tower and Heart underneath it. Head on to the left, smashing through the dried walls as needed. Head to the next area just across from where you took care of the last tower to find the same set up. Smash the spawn points then right out the lone tentacle to the right of the tower to stomp at the heart underneath it. Head up the slope to where the tentacle wall fell away to reach the Tower perched on it. When you reach the Tower, crush the heart there and Alice will return to normal size.

Head forward and follow the path in front of you. Before you go through the mouth to your left, and move forward, you should head all way down in the area around you. You will find a breakable wall and behind it a memory. Collect it then head down the gullet-like entrance to the slide. This has no proper course so enjoy it.

At the bottom of the slide, head to the left. Use Shrink Sense to find a hidden Keyhole and through it a Radula Room. Inside here you are once again Giant Alice. Smash the Card Guard spawning points and the Card Guards themselves to clear it. After that, return to the main room and pepper the blue heart. Now head through the newly opened door. The next room has a few blue hearts to shoot but much of the floor is acid so move carefully. Take out the first heart to have pair of moving platforms appear. Jump across them quickly to avoid the acid they sink into. When you reach the solid ledge, turn around and look up to find the second blue heart. Pepper it to make more moving platforms appear. Cross the new pair and when on solid ground, look to the right to find the third blue heart. This one opens the door inside the mouth nearby. Head through it. Inside this room Insidious Ruins appear. Defeat them then use Shrink Sense to explore the right-hand wall. There is a hidden keyhole and through it a memory. Collect it then head out the doorway opposite the keyhole.

From this door way there are two blue hearts to pepper, one to the left and one to the right. Hitting both of them opens the door at the far side of this room. Head through it. In the next room, more Insidious Ruins will appear. Defeat them then shrink and head through the small opening nearby. Head down the slope then make to the right when you can, following the spiraling path. At the end of it look to the right to find the next blue heart to pepper. Return up the slope and through the now open door. Head on to the right, down the stairs and across the bridge to meet the Red Queen. The end of the chapter is something else all together.